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《灵界经历》 第5662节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5662

5662. 1About Syncretists, the last judgment

High above the head rather high on a mountain there, live those who have discussed the union of religions, that is to say, syncretism, and come to the conclusion that they would make one Church of many, or rather, of all. They went so far that they also wanted the Mohammedans to be included, since they acknowledge the Lord to be the greatest Prophet and as the Son of God, who was sent to teach wisdom to the human race. With this consideration they wanted to make one Church from the many. But they were thinking only as regards points of doctrine, which are matters of belief and understanding, and not as regards living, which is a matter of love and charity, thus of a person's will. They finally went so far that they would have almost profaned what is good; and they gathered things from the Word that they might make suitable to everyone.

[2] They flowed around me, and it was felt as something profane. But they were discovered, and it was granted me to speak with them and say then that this is evil, since in this way they wanted to make one Church of nothing but idols and carved images; for when only those things which pertain to the understanding are taken and not those that belong to the will, then a person appears like ebony, or like lifeless stone. If they wish, they can make one Church from those like this. But it must be otherwise if they wish there to be life in them, thus to have not idols but [living] people who constitute the Church. Then one must look at the good of love and charity, thus to the reception of life from the Lord. When this is taken as fundamental, then the Church becomes a one, for the Lord then arranges all into the pattern of heaven and its form, and presents all as one single person; such is the Church of the Lord throughout the whole world. From it have been cast out those who are nothing more than idols, and most of these are in hell, except those who have lived to some extent in accord with what they have been taught, which they have made matters of life, that is to say, made living in themselves in this way.

Because they were in high places and consequently flowed into lower ones and only into doctrinal matters, they were therefore thrown down from there lest they profane what is good with others.


1. As in the manuscript the numbering here begins from 5662.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5662

5662. These groups [i.e. of 3, 4, or 5], unawares to themselves, receive garments with which they clothe themselves every day; a better garment for feast days.

Experientiae Spirituales 5662 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5662. Vestimenta recipiunt gratis, illis nescientibus, quibus se induunt quotidie, et vestimentum melius pro festis diebus.

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