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《灵界经历》 第5663节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5663

5663. About Mohammedans, and about Mohammed, and the last judgment

Mohammedans live in the western part outside the Christian world, in many mountains there, up to a great number. 1The better of them were transported from there into the eastern part, namely those of them who in the world had acknowledged the Lord as the Greatest Prophet and called Him the Son of God and believed Him to have been sent by the Father to instruct the human race, and so those wiser than the rest. Those who were the sort that at the same time had lived well in keeping with their religious belief and who had done what is just and fair and honest from religious principle and acknowledged the God of the universe, although they also had said Mohammed is the great prophet, were transported toward the east. This transfer was treated of earlier [5246, 5259-5262], and also that then the one who was Mohammed at that time was thrown down into the lower regions, where he was in chains lest he go out. The reason he was thrown down he himself disclosed later when his nature was manifested again, namely that he knew that all those who would not worship him looked eastward, and as soon as they did this, he realized that they would not worship him after this, on which account when he saw that a multitude was transferred to that place, he realized he was entirely deserted. As a result he burned with anger and wanted to oppose this. This was the reason.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5663

5663. And they have a little garden, also; and, as long as they are maidens, there are only flowers in them; but no fruits until they become wives.

Experientiae Spirituales 5663 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5663. Et quoque habent hortulum, et quamdiu virgines sunt, ibi modo flores sunt, sed non fructus, antequam uxores fiunt.

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