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《灵界经历》 第5671节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5671

5671. The intellect cannot be enlightened except by heaven, nor can anyone be enlightened from heaven except those who have heavenly love, thus those who lead a good life; in this way there is communication with heaven. When this is the case, a person can be kept in the light of heaven; and besides this it is the light of heaven that enlightens, and enlightens all according to the nature of their intellect. Those engrossed in worldly matters cannot be enlightened because they are [thinking] in the world's light and not in heaven's, and the world's light is enveloped in darkness, as is also evident. In a word, everyone's intellect is enlightened depending on the affection he or she has, for love's affection is the life of the intellect, and the love's affection must be from heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5671

5671. The Intellectual cannot be illustrated except from heaven; nor can anyone be illustrated out of heaven save he who is in heavenly love, consequently, who is in a life of good: communication with heaven thus takes place. Then, he can be kept in the light of heaven: and, moreover, it is the light of heaven which illustrates the whole, according to his understanding. Those who are in worldly affairs cannot be illustrated, because they are in the light of the world and not in that of heaven; and that light induces darkness, - as, also, is plain. In a word, the Intellectual is illustrated according to everyone's affection; for the affection of love is the life of the Intellectual, and the affection of love must be from heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 5671 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5671. Intellectuale non potest illustrari nisi a coelo, nec potest quisquam e coelo illustrari, nisi qui in amore coelesti ita qui in vita boni, sic fit communicatio cum coelo; tunc teneri potest in luce coeli, et praeterea lux coeli est quae illustrat, omnem secundum ejus intellectum. Qui in mundanis sunt nec possunt illustrari, quia in luce mundi et non in coeli, et illa lux tenebras obducit, ut quoque patet; verbo intellectuale illustratur secundum cujusvis affectionem, nam affectio amoris est vita intellectualis, et affectio amoris erit e coelo.

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