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《灵界经历》 第5672节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5672

5672. A person cannot be enlightened by an actual voice from haven; it does enter into his rational not in this way but only into his memory. Therefore direct revelations are not given. Nor can those who confirm themselves in doctrinal falsities of doctrine be enlightened, because their faculty of understanding has then been formed by them. In a word, enlightenment takes place according to a person's quality as to goodness and as to understanding, and also as to desire from love and as to his intellectual nature, and so according to the nature of his reception.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5672

5672. Nor can man be illustrated by a living voice out of heaven. In this way, the thing does not enter into his rational, but only into his memory; and there it is as it were a matter of the memory only. Hence it is that immediate revelations are not granted. Neither can those be illustrated who have confirmed themselves in falsities of doctrine; because their Intellectual, as regards spiritual things, is then formed by those. In a word, illustration takes place according to man's quality as to good and as to understanding, also as to desire from love, and as to the quality of the Intellectual; hence, according to the quality of reception.

Experientiae Spirituales 5672 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5672. Nec potest illustrari homo per vivam vocem e coelo, sic non intrat in ejus rationale sed modo in ejus memoriam, et ibi est sicut res memoriae; inde est quod immediatae revelationes non dentur. Nec possunt qui confirmarunt se in falsis doctrinae illustrari, quia intellectuale eorum quoad spiritualia ab illis tunc formatum est; verbo illustratio fit secundum quale hominis quoad bonum et quoad intellectum, tum quoad desiderium ex amore, et quoad quale intellectualis, inde secundum quale receptionis.

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