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《灵界经历》 第5686节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5686

5686. It follows also from this that in the world people think like this because they do not comprehend otherwise than that man's inward elements are non-existent, as for example, that thinking and willing are only as it were airy entities that pass away, because they cannot grasp inward things from bodily ones, and thus not spiritual things either, for there is no physical inflow. Still less can they grasp that these things are more real than bodily ones, and consequently neither can they grasp that these real things are the essentially human ones, and that the things of the body are respectively ministering agents, formed for interacting [with them], which because they are lower and subordinate are less real than the inward, [or better,] higher things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5686

5686. Hence, also, such thought is entertained in the world, because they do not apprehend anything else but that man's interiors are nothing, just as [it is supposed] that thought and will are only as it were atmospheric things which pass away. For they cannot apprehend interior things from bodily, consequently neither spiritual things, for there is no physical influx; still less can they apprehend that these are more real than bodily things, nor, consequently, that those realities are the essentially human things, and bodily things relatively subservient, formed to correspondence; which, since they are lower and subsequent, are less real than the interior or higher things.

Experientiae Spirituales 5686 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5686. Inde etiam taliter cogitatur in mundo, quia non aliter capiunt quam quod interiora hominis nihil sint, sicut quod cogitatio et voluntas sint modo sicut atmosphaerica quae abeunt, quia interiora non capiunt ex corporeis, ita nec spiritualia, non enim est influxus physicus, quod illa sint plus realia quam corporea, minus capiunt; ita nec quod illa realia sint et ipsa humana, et corporea respective ministrantia, formata ad correspondentiam, quae quia inferiora et posteriora, minus sunt realia quam interiora, [seu] superiora.

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