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《灵界经历》 第5714节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5714

5714. It was said further that outside every city whatever are nothing but robbers, in great number, fields full of them, and that no one there dares go outside a city, because then they fall into the hands of robbers and run into great dangers for their life, on which account they all stay in the cities. And they do not go out. I was also conducted outside the city; and there was a gang of robbers, who immediately knew what I was like and how they could assault me, because their intents are such that as soon as they see anyone, they sense what kind of life the person has and assault him. These robbers do not dare enter into cities. When they enter they are not admitted into any house but stay on the streets; and when they are seen, they are threateningly ordered to leave, which they do; for when they stay on the streets they have no power because in the cities the law prevails, and as a consequence there is security, as in the cities in the world. But if they are admitted into a house, it was said, those who are there perish. However, no one is allowed into a house unless the house is such that those who are there cannot stay any longer, for as soon as they enter and see people in the house, they immediately know what they are like and tie themselves with their intentions, and as soon as they have made the tie, they have a communication with them, even when they are outside the cities. In this way they are attacked until that house is ravaged.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5714

5714. It was said, moreover, that, outside every city whatever are out-and-out robbers, in great number, fields full of them; and that nobody dares go outside a city, for then he falls into the hands of the robbers and incurs many perils as to life: wherefore, all remain in the cities, nor do they go out. I was also conducted outside a city; and there was a crew of robbers, who knew instantly what I was, and how they could attack and destroy me. For such things are their study; so that, as soon as they see any, they perceive their lives and attack them. Those robbers do not dare to enter into the cities. If they enter, they are not admitted into any house, but remain in the streets; and when they make an appearance they are ordered to go out, which also they do; for, when they stay in the streets they have not any power, because, in the cities, law always reigns, and hence there is security, as in the cities of the world. But [it was said] that if they are admitted in a house, they destroy those who are there. Not one of them, however, is admitted into any house, unless the house is such that those who are there are no longer able to remain in it; for as soon as they enter and see the men in a house, they know instantly of what character they are, and connect themselves with their dispositions; and, as soon as they are connected, they have communication with them. This is also the case when they are outside the cities. They [i.e. the dwellers] are thus infested until that house is rifled.

Experientiae Spirituales 5714 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5714. Dicebatur porro quod extra urbem quamcunque sint meri latrones, in magno numero, campi pleni illis, et quod nemo ausit extra urbem vadere, tunc enim incidit in latronum manus, et incurrit pericula plura quoad vitam, quapropter manent omnes in urbibus; nec exeunt; perductus etiam eram extra urbem, et erat turba latronum, qui sciebant illico qualis essem, et quomodo possent me aggredi, et perdere, talia enim sunt eorum studia, quod ut primum vident aliquem, percipiant illorum vitas, et quod aggrediantur illos. Latrones illi non audent intrare in urbes, cum intrant non admittuntur in domum aliquam, sed permanent in plateis, et cum apparent, denuntiatur illis ut exeant, quod etiam faciunt, nam quando in plateis manent, non aliquid potentiae habent, quia in urbibus regnat usque lex et inde securitas sicut in urbibus mundi; at si admittuntur in domus, quod illi qui ibi pereant, sed non admittitur aliquis in aliquam domum, nisi domus talis sit, ut non amplius illi qui ibi subsistere possint; nam ut primum intrant, et vident homines in domo, noscunt illico quales sunt, et se ligant cum illorum animis, et ut primum ligati sunt, cum illis communicationem habent, etiam cum extra urbes sunt, ita infestantur usque ut domus illa vastetur.

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