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《灵界经历》 第5713节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5713

5713. It was said further that on the east side of London in the other life there is a village where upright and good people live, but who appear lower-class to those who are in the city toward the west, and that those who live in the city are not allowed to enter into that village. They are blocked by guards and also cannot bear the aura of their life. As soon as they come there they are seized with agony and withdraw and thus are safe. They are to the east because the east is goodness of love and of charitable feeling. It was understood besides that the great city is being preserved as long as there is such a village on the east, but that Stockholm does not have such a village. I was taken through this little village of London, and some there spoke with us.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5713

5713. It was said, moreover, that, at the east side of London in the other life, is a little city where upright and good men dwell, but the vile appear, to those who are in the town, towards the west; also, that it is not allowed those who are in the town to enter into that city. They are prevented by watchmen; and, besides, they cannot endure the sphere of their life. As soon as they come thither, they are seized with agony, and retire: thus are those protected. They are at the east there, because the east is the good of love and of charity. It was perceived, moreover, that, as long as the large town is preserved, there is there such a city at the east; but that there is not such a city in Stockholm. I was also conducted through that little London-city; and some there spoke with us.

Experientiae Spirituales 5713 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5713. Dicebatur porro, quod ab orientali parte Londini in altera vita, sit parva civitas, ubi homines probi et boni habitant, sed qui viles apparent illis qui in urbe sunt versus occidentem, et quod non permittatur illis qui in urbe in civitatem illam intrare, impediuntur a custodiis, et quoque non sustinent sphaeram illorum vitae, ut primum illuc veniunt, corripiuntur angore, et recedunt, sic tuti sunt; ad orientem ibi sunt, quia oriens est bonum amoris et charitatis, perceptum porro quod magna urbs conservetur quamdiu ibi talis civitas ab oriente est; sed quod talis civitas non sit Stockholmiae: perductus etiam sum per parvam illam civitatem Londini, et nobiscum aliqui ibi loquuti.

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