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《灵界经历》 第5722节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5722

5722. 1About followers of the dragon

There was a certain man who was only a materialistic, that is to say, a sensuous person, who was still an archbishop (Er[ik] Benz[elius] 2). In his bodily life he gave no attention at all to the Word, and very little to the doctrine of the Church, but solely to worldly things, languages, and studies regarding his fatherland. He had the Word, but it was of use to him solely for preaching and not in the least for living or doctrine; he even despised it. He believed nothing whatever. What another person whom he trusted said was so, he believed was so, whether it agreed with or was contrary to doctrine of the Church. He loved himself above all. Justice and fairness he regarded as nothing but of value only in so far as they were of service to a reputation. In a word, he was entirely bodily, that is to say, sensuous in the extreme. Seen in the light of heaven he was an unspeakably horrible figure, no longer human. From his prestige in the world, and from the way he spoke as a result of this, and from his simulated passion, he was able to attract [others] to himself.


1. Following the author's instruction in the manuscript, we have inserted 5722 here.

2. Erik Benzelius the Elder (1632-1709), Swedish theologian and archbishop of Uppsala.

[5722] 1/2. The head of the dragon is made up of those who believe the Word, but only as to the letter and do not care about doctrine, and they love themselves and the world above all else. Those for whom the Word serves as a means [for them] to be respected, these are the head of the dragon, but its tail is made up of those for whom the Word serves solely for preaching, not for living. These, when they think about the Word, despise it. In addition, those who in the world think up tricks and schemes constitute its life, or poison.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5722


There was a certain one who was only a material or sensual man, who was yet an archbishop (Eric Benzelius). In the life of the body, he cared nothing at all for the Word, and very little for the doctrine of the Church, but only for worldly things, languages and researches relating to his country. He possessed the Word; but it served him only for preaching, and nothing at all for life or doctrine. He even despised it, and did not believe anything - as another, to whom he confided that it was so, stated. He believed a thing to be so, whether it was in favor of doctrine, or against the doctrine of the Church. He loved himself above all things, and esteemed justice and equity as of no moment, save so far as they served for reputation. In a word, he was utterly corporeal, or sensual in the extreme. I saw him in the light of heaven: he was in a horrible form, no longer human. From his authority in the world, and from his manner of speech thence acquired, also from feigned affection, he was able to win others to himself.

5722a. Those who believe the Word, but only as to the letter, constitute the head of the dragon. They do not care for doctrine, and love themselves and the world above all things. Those to whom the Word serves as a means of honor, are the head of the dragon; those, however, constitute his tail, to whom the Word serves only for preaching, but not at all for life. When these think regarding it they despise it. Those, also, who devise plots and schemes in the world, constitute his life, or poison.

Experientiae Spirituales 5722 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5722. 1

De draconicis

Erat quidam qui solum materialis homo erat, seu sensualis, qui usque archiepiscopus (Er. Benz.) , is in vita corporis prorsus nihil studuit Verbo, perparum doctrinae Ecclesiae, sed solum mundanis, linguis, et curiosis patriae. Verbum habuit, sed hoc inserviebat ei solum pro praedicatione, et prorsus nihil pro vita aut doctrina, contemsit etiam illud, nec quicquam credidit, quod alius dixit, cui fidebat, quod ita esset, credidit ita esse, sive cum doctrina, sive contra doctrinam Ecclesiae; se super omnia amavit, justum et aequum pro nihil reputavit, solum quantum famae inserviret; verbo erat prorsus corporeus, seu sensualis in extremo. Is visus in luce coeli, erat forma nefanda, nec humana amplius, ex autoritate in mundo, et ex loquela inde, tum ex simulata affectione potuit allicere ad se.

[5[722] 1/2. Caput draconis constituunt qui Verbum credunt, sed solum quoad literam, nec curant doctrinam amant se mundum super omnia, quibus Verbum inservit pro honore, illi sunt caput draconis; at caudam ejus constituunt quibus Verbum inservit solum pro praedicatione, sed nihil pro vita, illi cum cogitant de illo contemnunt illud: qui etiam astus cogitant artes in mundo, illi constituunt vitam ejus, seu venenum.


1. 5721 conformiter auctoris indicio post 5719 videas insertum

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