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《灵界经历》 第5723节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5723

5723. I saw great number of priests who adhered to him dragged out of heaven. Examined, they were found to be totally against the truths of faith and favored only outward things and the world. The gate to heaven was closed to these priests because they had done everything for sake of themselves and the world and not for the sake of the Divine. All of them had never thought about the Lord's Divinity when they thought about Him, but only about His human nature, that it was entirely like another man's and nothing more. Certain ones thought that it was yet viler. The majority of them came from those who believe in faith alone since these from doctrine were the sort that did not care about how one lives but only about faith; and these were all thrown into their swamp on the southern side toward the east. Those who had been there prior to this were thrown out still farther.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5723

5723. I saw a great number of robber-priests who adhered to him [i.e., the dragon], cast out of heaven; who, being explored, were totally opposed to the truths of faith, save for the sake of externals in the world. To them the gate into heaven was closed; for they did all things on account of self and the world, and nothing on account of the Divine. All these never think about the Lord's Divine when they think of the Lord, but only about the human, [namely] that it was entirely like another man's, and nothing more: some that it was yet meaner. The bulk of these were of the number of those who are in faith alone; wherefore, they are also, from doctrine, of such a character that they care nothing about life, but only faith; and all these are cast into the lakes of those who are at the southern side, towards the east. Those who were there before, are cast in still farther.

Experientiae Spirituales 5723 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5723. Vidi magnum numerum sacerdotum e coelo raptorum, qui adhaeserunt illi, qui explorati prorsus erant contra vera fidei, solum pro externis et mundo, illis clausum fuit in coelum, omnia enim propter se et mundum egerunt, et nihil propter Divinum. Illi omnes nusquam cogitarunt de Divino Domini, cum de Domino, sed solum de humano, quod id prorsus simile esset alius hominis, et non magis, quidam quod adhuc vilius; maxima horum pars erat ex illis qui in sola fide, quoniam hi ex doctrina quoque tales sunt, ut vitam non curent, sed solum fidem, et illi omnes conjecti sunt in stagnum illorum a parte meridionali versus orientalem, qui prius ibi erant, conjecti sunt adhuc ulterius.

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