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《灵界经历》 第5729节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5729

5729. 1About the Mongolians and about the last judgment

The Mongolians are on the southern side far from Christianity. They are arrogant and want to stand out above all others; they are also hostile to Christians. I saw that they also were thrown down into hells. There were many mountains there in which they live. And they were thrown down, some of them sank, these were thrown down from certain [mountains] into hells, from certain [others] into the deserts. They are arrogant because they are rich; they have a diamond mine and they have gold. Such a judgment all those undergo who think only about Mohammed and little about God, which all there do who have self-love.


1. Paragraphs 5725ֲ8 are missing in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5729

Experientiae Spirituales 5729 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5729. 1

De Mogol et de ultimo judicio

Mogolenses sunt a parte meridionali ultra Christianismum, illi sunt fastuosi et volunt eminere supra omnes alios, etiam infensi Christianis, vidi quod illi quoque dejecti in inferna, montes ibi erant plures in quibus habitant, et illi erant dejecti, pars subsidit, ex quibusdam [montibus] illi dejecti in inferna, ex quibusdam in deserta; fastuosi sunt quia divites, apud illos fodina adamantina, et apud illos aurum. Omnes illi subiverunt tale judicium qui solum cogitarunt de Mahumede, et parum de Deo, quod faciunt ibi omnes qui in amore sui sunt.


1. 5725-28 desunt

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