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《灵界经历》 第5730节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5730

5730. How certain ones are instructed in the other life

There also is instruction of the boys and girls, and of the simple too, in this way: where those who are from the heavenly Kingdom are gathered together (who are the sort that they see truths and so are aware of them, but are incapable of expressing them) when they hear those who are from the spiritual Kingdom speaking among themselves, the heavenly, when the spiritual have spoken truths, say that these truths are so and applaud. But when the spiritual do not speak truths, the heavenly say that the truth is [actually] such and such, and that it must be said in that way. And where they are courteous and can give instruction by using courteous comments, the heavenly say that the spiritual can speak better if they want to, when they think it over, and so on. After this those [from the spiritual Kingdom] think over what they have said and what they are going to say, so that what they say may be true, and then they go back; and they [those from the heavenly Kingdom] say something different if what is said [by those from the spiritual Kingdom] is now true: they say it is so and applaud. They [the learners] are held to respecting the one [teaching]; beyond this he is silent. He too is instructed by this, for the things he hears wind their way into his sight, and in this way he learns things he did not know earlier. Those [from the heavenly kingdom] are perfected equally by the spiritual as the spiritual are perfected by the heavenly. For the latter, [the heavenly], are stupid if they do not hear truths and so see in this way, for they do not themselves see truths.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5730


There also occur instructions of boys and girls, and also of the simple, in the following manner. Where those are assembled who are of the celestial kingdom - who are such that they see truths and thence know them, but are not able to give expression to them; - these, when they hear those who are of the spiritual kingdom talking to each other, say, when they utter truths, that it is so, and applaud; but, when they utter things not true, they say that it is thus, and should be said thus. Where also, they are city-dwellers, and can be instructed by means of civic things, they say that they can speak better if they will, if they reflect, and so forth. Hence they think that what they speak, and what they are about to say, is true; and then resume and say it differently. If it is then true, they [i.e. the celestials] say that it is so, and applaud. They are kept in a regard for the speaker; and, moreover, he is silent. He himself, too, is thence instructed; for those things which he hears are insinuated into his sight, and thus he knows things he previously did not. The former are just as much perfected by the spiritual, as the spiritual by the celestial; for, if the latter do not hear truths, and thus see them, they are dull, for they cannot think.

Experientiae Spirituales 5730 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5730. Quomodo instruuntur quidam in altera vita

Fiunt etiam instructiones puerorum et virginum, et quoque simplicium eo modo, quod ubi consociati sint qui e coeleste Regno, qui tales sunt, ut videant vera, et inde sciant illa, sed quod non possint eloqui illa, illi cum audiunt illos qui e spirituali Regno loquentes inter se, dicunt cum vera loquuti, quod ita sit, et laudant; at cum non vera loquuntur, dicant quod ita sit, quod ita dicendum, et ubi civiles sunt, et per civilia possunt instruere, dicunt quod possint melius loqui, si velint, si cogitent, et sic porro, inde illi cogitant quid loquuti, et quid loquuturi ut sit verum, et tunc redeunt, et dicunt aliter si tunc verum, dicunt ita esse, et laudant, tenentur in respectu pro illo [qui instruit], et praeterea tacet ille; ipse quoque inde instruitur, nam quae audit, illa insinuantur in visum ejus, et sic novit quae non prius, illi aeque perficiuntur per spirituales, sicut spirituales per coelestes; nam hi si non vera audiunt, et sic vident, stupidi sunt, nam non cogitant.

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