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《灵界经历》 第5732节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5732

5732. Indeed, they were such that they united themselves with monks who also were like they were, in particular those who believed themselves to be Christ and that they had all the power and Christ none; and in their outward activities they counterfeited what is holy because they played the role of Christ, and inwardly they were such that they cherished a murderous hatred against all those who did not worship them as Christ, thus as God who had all power in the heavens. They joined themselves with these monks and acted as one with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5732

5732. Yea, they were of such a character that they conjoined themselves with monks who have also been such; especially those who have believed that they are Christ, and that they have all power and Christ none, and who have performed holy things in externals because they personated Christ, and in internals were such that they were in murderous hatred against all those who did not adore them as Christ, consequently as God, to whom belongs all power in the heavens: with these, also, the former ones conjoined themselves and acted in unison.

Experientiae Spirituales 5732 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5732. Imo tales erant ut conjungerent se cum monachis, qui tales etiam fuerunt, imprimis qui crediderunt se esse Christum, et quod illis omnis potestas, et Christo nulla, et qui in externis finxerunt sancta, quia agerent Christum, et in internis tales erant, ut internecino odio essent contra omnes illos, qui non adorarent illos pro Christo, ita pro Deo, cui omnis potestas in coelis, cum his quoque se conjunxerunt et unum agebant.

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