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《灵界经历》 第5731节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5731

5731. About the purging of those who are devoid of charity, about the last judgment

At the end I was let into a disagreeable state, which was one of crudely natural charity mingled with earthly pleasures. It was initiated by a certain one who infused what is profane. He was such that he grasped doctrinal matters better than others, and he clearly grasped what was said about truths. But on the other hand he was such that he hated all who would not worship him as someone superior to others. Those he had persecuted in the world so far as they had not spoken respectfully with him, such was his will.

[2] And because he was like this, he also could instill what is profane in others. And when he did this, he also used tricks to pretend friendship so that they didn't realize it. By this introduction [of what is profane] many were miserably tormented. (Landshof: i Ostergylen, som vociferade secretar. 1) But with me this was turned into such an outer behavior mixed with pleasure, and at the same time with some goodness, such as most in the world today can have. This happened so that the nature of the present-day Christian world might be known, and also the nature of their charity, thus the nature of their heaven. I was kept in this state for two days so that it might be learned who can be in this state. And those who were in it were separated.

m He was then thrown into a quagmire where the profane are, far in the southwestern quarter.n


1. Swedish for "Governor of Ostergylen, who loudly announced secrets"

[5731] 1/2. Meanwhile then those who have faith alone, or rather, the doctrine they call the doctrine of faith, [and] who reject charity as saving, or [reject] that in it is heaven, but [say heaven] is only in faith alone, these then more than others rose up against the genuine doctrine, without anyone having harmed them; and they gathered together and after some time entered on a plan to stir up everyone, as many as they could, from every side but the east, where they could not go because those were protected by the Lord. And they went as far as the Mohammedans on the western side and the Mohammedans on the southern quarter, besides in the northern quarter too, those there on the mountains and in the plains. They sent out as many as 50 [representatives] from themselves to one hundred locations in all directions, in order that being present they might stir them up and serve them as representatives; and those who remained they divided in groups of ten, who aided them and kept them intensely involved in that rebellion, intent on totally destroying the heavenly doctrine because it was said that heaven lies in charity and not in faith apart from charity, thus in a person's way of life, which is what defines a person, and not in knowing and understanding apart from life. For this reason they stirred up such rebellion with the unyielding intention of destroying the doctrine itself, although earlier it had been shown to them that this comes from heaven and from the Lord, which they had even acknowledged, because the understanding can be enlightened with anyone at all, and as a consequence what is true can be acknowledged. But because they are devoid of charity, that is to say, devoid of any goodness of life, they therefore still acted as horrible enemies against heaven and against the Lord. They even said that they knew that these things are from the Lord, and that they also knew that all people from whatever religion are left in peace, provided only they acknowledge the Divine, and in the Christian Church the Divine of the Lord, and do not do evil to others who do not do evil to them. But it was in vain, for they were let back into their inner parts, which were such that they were devoid of any conscience, as has been discovered, they actually did not know what conscience is. This, then, is what those are like who believed in faith alone, for which reason all those who possessed no charity were exposed and completely thrown down from many mountains and from the plains, up to many thousands, an enormous number, and were thrown into hells.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5731


I was at length let into a heavy state, which was one of charity grossly natural, with which earthly delights mingled themselves. It commenced from a certain one who infused profanation. He was such that he perceived doctrinals better than others, and clearly perceived those things which were stated about truths; but, on the other hand, he was such that he held in hatred all who did not pay him homage as some one superior to other people: in the world he persecuted these, so far as they did not address him obsequiously. Such was his will; and, because he was such, he could also inspire profanation in others; and when he did this, he likewise so artfully simulated friendship that they did not perceive [his real purpose]: from which infusion, many were miserably tormented ([He was] the Provincial Governor of Ostrogothia, who was the King's Secretary.) But this was turned, with me, into such an external, mixed with delight, and at the same time with some good - in such as most at this day in the world would be able to be in. This was done in order that it might be known of what quality is the Christian world at this day, and of what quality their charity; consequently, what kind of heaven they have. And I was kept in this state for two days, so that it might be known who were able to be in it; and those who were in it were separated. 1


1. Sidebar: "He was afterwards cast into the gulf where the profane are, far away in the south-western quarter."

5731a. Then, in the meanwhile, those who were in faith alone, or who were in the doctrine which they call the doctrine of faith - who reject charity as of saving efficacy, or [deny] that heaven is in it but only in faith alone; - these then rose up, more than others, against genuine doctrine, without anyone provoking them, and were gathered together, and at length took counsel to call forth all, as many as they could, from every quarter except the eastern. They were not able to come there, because those there were protected by the Lord; and this right up to the Mohammedans at the western side, and to the Mohammedans at the southern quarter; besides also, in the northern quarter, those who were upon the mountains and in the plains there. They sent out as many as fifty from themselves, to a hundred places in all directions roundabout, in order that they might call forth those [there] present, and employ them as subjects; and those who remained there distributed by tens. These powerfully aided them, and sustained them in that rebellion, with the purpose of altogether destroying heavenly doctrine, because heaven was stated to be in charity, and not in faith apart from charity; thus in man's life, which makes the man, and not in knowledge and understanding apart from life. On account of this, they promoted such rebellion, with the fixed purpose of destroying doctrine itself, although it was previously shown them that this comes from heaven and from the Lord - as also they acknowledged; for the intellectual can be enlightened with every person whatsoever, and thus what is true be acknowledged. But, since they were without any charity, or without good of life, therefore, they constantly acted as impious enemies against heaven and against the Lord. They also said that they know that it is from the Lord, and that they likewise know that all are left in peace, of whatever religion they may be, if only they acknowledge the Divine, and, in the Christian Church, the Lord's Divine, and do not do evil to others who do not do evil to them. But it was in vain; for they were remitted into their interiors, which were such that they were without any conscience; as also was proved: indeed, they did not know what conscience is. Such, then, were those who were in faith alone. Wherefore, all those, amounting to many myriads, an immense number, who were not in any charity, were discovered and hurled completely down from many mountains and plains; and were cast into hells.

Experientiae Spirituales 5731 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5731. De vastatione eorum qui in nulla charitate, de ultimo judicio

Tandem missus in statum gravem, qui erat charitatis crasse naturalis, cum qua se miscebant jucunda terrestria, inceptabat a quodam [qui] infudit prophanum, is erat talis ut doctrinalia perciperet prae aliis, ac clare percepit quae dicebantur de veris, sed ab altera parte talis erat, ut omnes odio haberet, qui non eum colerent sicut quendam supra alios, illos in mundo persequutus est tantum quum non respectuose cum illo loquerentur, talis erat voluntas ejus, et quia talis etiam potuit prophanum injicere aliis, et cum hoc faciebat, arte etiam imitabatur amicitiam, ut non perciperent, ex qua infusione plures misere cruciati sunt, (Landshof: i astergylen, som vociferade secretar) 1

: sed hoc vertebatur apud me in tale externum mixtum jucundo, et simul aliquo bono, in quali plerique esse possent hodie in mundo; hoc factum est, ut sciretur qualis hodie mundus Christianus est, et qualis eorum charitas, ita quale coelum haberent, tenebar in hoc per biduum, ut sciretur quinam in hoc esse 2

[5[731] 1/2. possent qui in hoc essent, separabantur. Interea tunc illi qui in sola fide, seu qui in doctrina quam vocant doctrinam fidei, qui charitatem rejiciunt sicut salvificam, seu quod in illa coelum sed solum in fide sola, illi tunc prae aliis insurgebant contra doctrinam genuinam, absque quod ullus lacesseret illos congregabantur simul tandem consilium inibant, quod excitarent omnes quotcunque possent, ab omni plaga praeter ab orientali, illuc non venire poterant, quia tuti a Domino hoc usque Muhamedanos a parte occidentali ad Muhamedanos a plaga meridionali, praeter etiam in plaga septentrionali, qui ibi super montibus in planitiebus, ablegabant a se circum centum loca, ubivis 50, ut praesentes excitarent illos inservirent illis pro subjectis qui remanebant partiebantur, decem decem, qui illos adjuvarent tenerent in rebellione illa fortiter, animo prorsus destruendi doctrinam coelestem, quia in charitate dicebatur esse coelum non in Conjectus dein est in voraginem ubi prophani, in plaga occidentali meridionali remote. fide separata a charitate, ita in vita hominis, quae facit hominem non in scientia intellectuali separato a vita, propter hanc causam movebant talem rebellionem cum contumaci animo destruendi ipsam doctrinam, tametsi prius illis ostensum quod hoc ex coelo ex Domino veniat, quod etiam agnoverunt, quia intellectuale potest illustrari apud quoscunque sic inde agnosci quid verum, sed quia absque ulla charitate erant, seu absque bono vitae, ideo usque egerunt nefandos hostes contra coelum contra Dominum, dicebant etiam quod scirent quod illa a Domino quod etiam scirent, quod relinquantur in pace omnes e quacunque religione sint, modo agnoscant Divinum in Ecclesia Christiana, Divinum Domini non malum faciant aliis, qui non malum illis faciunt, sed hoc incassum, remittebantur enim in interiora sua, quae talia erant, ut essent absque omni conscientia, quod etiam exploratum, imo nesciebant quid conscientia. Tales tunc fuerun qui in sola fide, quapropter omnes illi qui in nulla charitate erant, detecti sunt prorsus dejecti e montibus pluribus e planitiebus, ut plures myriades, ingenti numero dejecti in inferna.


1. Gubernator Ostrogothiensis, qui vociferatus secreta (verba suecica)

2. Sidebar: Conjectus dein est in voraginem ubi prophani, in plaga occidentali meridionali remote.

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