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《灵界经历》 第5734节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5734

5734. This I can say with certainty, that anyone who does not acknowledge the Divine and the Divine of the Lord in the Church, and does not live a life of the faith that is caring for others in accord with doctrine, cannot otherwise than be thrown into hell, for he has shed all that is human. A person is such as is his life, from the head right to the heel; one who is black as to his way of life, is totally black. Let them think however they desire, and convince themselves against this however they wish, nevertheless it is an eternal truth.

[2] Yet let them know that those from whatever religion are saved, even those who hold the doctrine of faith alone, providing only they live the life of faith that is caring for others, and by so doing are not absorbing such things as are diabolical inwardly into themselves. The external makes (counts for) nothing 1, because if this is separated, then it is their inward quality that makes their life and not the outward apart from the inward. I was commanded to say this openly to them.


1. J. Durban Odhner reads nihil as simul.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5734

5734. This I am able to assert: that he who does not acknowledge the Divine, and, in the Church, the Lord's Divine, and does not live a life of faith, which is a life of charity according to doctrine, cannot be otherwise than cast into hell, for he divests himself of everything human. Man is such as his life, from head even to heel. He who is black as to life, is black altogether. Let them think howsoever they will, and let them persuade themselves against it in what manner they please, yet, nevertheless, it is eternal verity. Yet, let them know that men of every religion may be saved, even those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, provided only they live the life of faith, which is that of charity, and thus do not appropriate inwardly in themselves such things as are diabolical. The external signifies nothing; because, if this is separated, then it is their internal which constitutes the life, not the external without the internal. It has been commanded me to openly declare this to them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5734 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5734. Hoc asseverare possum, quod qui non agnoscit Divinum, ac Divinum Domini in Ecclesia, et non vivit vitam fidei quae est charitas secundum doctrinam, quod non possit aliter quam conjici in infernum, exuit enim omne humanum, homo talis est qualis ejus vita, a capite usque ad calcem, qui niger est quoad vitam, is niger est totus, cogitent utcunque velint, et persuadeant sibi contra illa utcunque velint, usque tamen aeterna veritas est. Sciant usque quod salventur e quacunque religione, etiam qui in doctrina de sola fide, modo vivant vitam fidei quae est charitas, et sic non imbuantur talibus intus in se quae diabolica sunt, simul facit externum, quia hoc si separatur, tunc internum eorum est quod facit vitam non externum absque interno. Mandatum mihi est, ut hoc illis aperte dicerem.

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