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《灵界经历》 第5736节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5736

5736. These are they who were called goats by the Lord, about whom is said that they had done nothing charitable, and that therefore they were going to go into eternal fire [Matt. 25:31ִ6]. They are also in the dragon and make a part of him. They were for some time in their mountains, and there they performed well in outward life, for they were kept in this life; but when their thoughts penetrated round about and infected others so that they did not know what "to do good" was, then their outer parts were taken away from them, and what they were like was shown.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5736

5736. These are they who are called "he-goats" by the Lord; of whom it is said that they did not exercise any charity, and that, therefore, they would go into eternal fire for they are in the dragon, and constitute some part of it. They were in their mountains for a while; and there led an external life, for they were detained in that; but, when their thoughts penetrated roundabout, and infested all, so that they did not know what doing good was, then their externals were taken away and it was shown of what quality they were.

Experientiae Spirituales 5736 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5736. Hi sunt qui vocantur hirci a Domino, de quibus dicitur quod nullam charitatem egerint, et quod ideo ituri in ignem aeternum [Matth XXV: 31-[46]; sunt etiam in dracone, et constituerunt aliquid in eo, fuerunt aliquamdiu in suis montibus, et ibi externam vitam egerunt, nam detenti sunt in ea, sed eum cogitationes eorum penetrarent circum circa, et infectarent omnes, sic ut nescirent quid esset bonum facere, tunc externa illis adempta sunt, et ostensi quales essent.

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