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《灵界经历》 第5738节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5738

5738. The heat was brought in by those who were in the western quarter from monks who believed themselves to be Christs and wanted to be worshiped as gods because they possessed heaven and thus had power over men's souls, and on this account conducted themselves as saints in outward appearance in order to induce simple folk in this way to believe that they were gods; and nevertheless when they were examined, they were inwardly profane, for everyone who did not want to acknowledge them as gods, these they regarded with murderous hatred and with such vengefulness that they wanted to inflict the final degree of cruelty. Thus they were inwardly devils. In order to seduce all others wherever they could, they hit upon tricks so that they were able to send out heat, and to do this in diverse ways and from various places, both good and evil, and did this through transfers, which can take place in the other life, for such things can be transferred to others. In this way they want to induce the belief that they are gods.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5738

5738. The heat was borne in by those who were in the western quarter, - by monks who believed themselves to be Christ, and wanted to be worshipped as gods on the ground that they possessed heaven and thus had power over the souls of men, and on that account behaved themselves in external form like saints, so that they might induce the simple to believe that they were in a manner gods. But when they were at length explored, they were inwardly profane; for every single one who was not willing to acknowledge them as gods they held in deadly hatred, and with such vindictiveness, that, in the last degree of their ferocity, they wished to kill them. Thus, they were inwardly devils. In order to seduce all others wherever they could, they devised arts so that they could let in heats, and this in divers ways and from various places, both good and evil. And this they effected by means of transfers, which can take place in the other life; for such things can be transferred to others. They wished, by this means, to induce a faith that they were gods.

Experientiae Spirituales 5738 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5738. Calor inferebatur ab illis qui in plaga occidentali a monachis qui crediderunt se Christos esse, et voluerunt coli sicut dii quia possidebant coelum, et sic potestatem haberent super animas hominum, et propterea se gesserunt sicuti sancti in externa forma, ut inducerent credere simplicibus, quod essent eo modo dii; et tamen cum explorati, erant intus prophani, nam unumquemvis qui non volebat agnoscere illos pro diis, illos internecino odio habebant, et tali vindicta, ut ultimo saevitiae gradu perdere vellent, sic erant intus diaboli. Illi ut seducerent omnes alios ubicunque possent, inveniebant artes, ut immittere possent calores, et hoc diversis modis et ex variis locis, tam bonis quam malis, et hoc per translationes, quod fieri potest in altera vita, nam transferri possunt talia ad alios, sic inducere volebant fidem, quod dii essent.

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