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《灵界经历》 第5739节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5739

5739. Those who were pouring in the light were also in the western quarter there, from two places upon mountains: upon a double one towards the north, on another towards the south. Those who were on the double mountain at the north were also of the Catholic populace who were likewise versed in the art of transferring light from the place where the light was, also [of transferring it] from the genuine truths of faith that they had among them, which was permitted. Spirits like this were persuaded that there is a Divine, but that all these were from nature. They poured in a deadly conviction about this, which I was given to perceive, and through it they wanted to create the belief that they were gods and that they could grant heaven to anyone. Through this they seduced many simple-minded people, those who were good, nevertheless, were kept safe, because they were powerfully persuasive. Their intention, which they were compelled to declare, was that when they had produced this belief, afterwards they would have control over everyone's souls, and over heaven, because heaven is granted by themselves. As a result of this it happened that that mountain opened itself in the middle and swallowed them all; and there they were sent into the deepest darkness, that was now and then changed into infernal fire. And soon after, the mountain above was opened, and from it too all individuals like this were thrown into the same abyss; and this to the number of many hundred thousands. The same thing happened with the other mountain, which was more toward the south in the western quarter.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5739

5739. Those who infused the light, were also in the western quarter there, from two places upon mountains: upon a double one towards the north, on another towards the south. Those who were on the double mountain at the north, were also of the Catholic communion, and were similarly expert in the art of transferring the light from the place where the light was, also from the genuine truths of faith, which they had among them - which was permitted; but such ones were in the persuasion that there was a Divine, but that all those things were from nature. Respecting that matter, they infused a deadly persuasion, which it was granted me to perceive; and they wished, by this means, to induce the faith that they were gods, and that they were able to give heaven to anyone they pleased. They thereby seduced many simple-minded ones who, being nevertheless good, were preserved; for they had a powerful persuasive faculty. Their intention was, as they were also forced to proclaim, that, when they had induced that faith, they would afterwards rule over the souls of all, and over heaven, because heaven is conferred by them. Hence it came to pass that that mountain opened itself in the midst, and swallowed them all; and those there were dispatched into the deepest darkness, which was now and then changed into infernal fire. Also, the mountain was immediately opened above; and from it, too, all of such a character were cast into the same gulf; and this even to many hundred thousands. The like happened with the other mountain, which was towards the south, more in the western quarter.

Experientiae Spirituales 5739 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5739. Qui lucem infundebant erant etiam in plaga occidentali ibi binis e locis super montibus, super uno duplicato versus septentrionem, in altero versus meridiem; qui in monte duplicato ad septentrionem etiam e Catholica gente, qui similiter callebant artem transferendi luces e locis ubi lux erat, tum ex veris genuinis fidei, quae apud se habebant, quod permissum, sed tales in illa persuasione erant quod Divinum esset, sed omnia illa ex natura, infundebant persuasivum funestum de illa re, quod percipere datum, et per id volebant inducere fidem quod illi dii essent, quod possent dare cuivis coelum, inde seducebant plures simplices - qui tamen boni erant, conservati sunt - nam forte persuasivum habebant, intentio illorum fuit, quod etiam cogebantur propalare, quod cum induxerint illam fidem, quod postea dominarentur super omnium animas, et super coelum, quia ab ipsis coelum, inde factum quod mons ille aperiret se in medio, et deglutiret omnes, et ibi missi sunt in tenebrosissimum, quod tunc et tunc vertitur in igneum infernale; et mox aperiebatur mons supra, et inde quoque omnes tales conjecti in eandem voraginem, et hoc ad plura centena millia. Simile factum cum altero monte, qui versus meridiem magis in occidentali plaga.

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