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《灵界经历》 第5741节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5741

5741. It is not known what regeneration is, Heaven

Many of the learned Theologians were examined in the other life as to whether they knew what regeneration is, but not one of them knew. Most said it is, to be born anew through water and the spirit, by which they understood baptism; certain called it justification. And I was quite amazed that the more learned in the world did not understand this, which nevertheless is such an essential of the Church that no one can enter into heaven unless they are born again, according to the Lord's words in John Ch. 3. I was quite amazed that they were unaware of this when nevertheless the majority know how to describe regeneration from the Word so well that it appears as if they know it thoroughly, as, for example, they know that the old man with his desires must be put to death and the new arise; and that in the new life they will walk before God in white garments; and that they must flee evils, and other like things, by which a person who knows what regeneration is, if able to look no further than to the words, will believe that they must know what regeneration is. But they did not then say these things. It was asked why they do not know what regeneration is; and it was found that they do not know what charity towards the neighbor is, or, consequently, what the good of life is; and because they believe the good of life, or charity, is not essential to salvation, but only faith alone, even though a person were destitute of a good of life, and, because they believe that heaven is given through faith alone to those for whom the Lord intercedes from mere mercy, [and] because all this is perpetually in their minds, therefore, they can by no means yet know what regeneration is.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5741


Many of the learned theologians were explored, in the other life, as to whether they knew what regeneration is, but no one of them knew. Most of them said, To be born anew through water and the Spirit, - by which they understood baptism; some called it justification; and I was exceedingly surprised that the more learned in the world did not understand this matter, which, nevertheless, is such an essential of the Church that no one can enter into heaven except he be born anew, according to the Lord's words in John, chapter 3. I was exceedingly astonished that they were unaware of this; when nevertheless, the majority know from the Word how to describe regeneration, so that it appears that they know it thoroughly: as, for example, that the old man with his concupiscences must be slain, and the new must arise; and that in the new life he will walk before in white garments, and will see evils, and other like things; by which he who knows what regeneration is, if he is able to look no farther than to the words, believes that they must know what regeneration is: but they did not then say these things. It was asked whence it happens that they do not know what regeneration is; and it was ascertained that they do not know what charity towards the neighbor is, or, consequently, what the good of life is; and, inasmuch as they believe the good of life, or charity, not to be an essential of salvation, but only faith alone, even though a man were destitute of good of life; and that through faith alone, from mere mercy, heaven is given to those for whom the Lord intercedes; - inasmuch as this is perpetually in their minds, therefore, they can yet in no wise know what regeneration is.

Experientiae Spirituales 5741 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5741. Quod non sciatur quid regeneratio, Coelum

Explorati sunt plures ex doctis Theologia in altera vita, num sciant quid regeneratio, sed nemo eorum novit, plerique dixerunt nasci e novo per aquam et spiritum, per quod intellexerunt baptismum, quidam vocaverunt justificationem; et mirati sunt valde quod doctiores in mundo, non intelligerent hoc, quod tamen ita essentiale Ecclesiae est, ut nemo possit intrare in coelum nisi denuo generatus secundum Domini verba apud Joh. Cap. III. Miratus sum valde quod hoc nescirent, cum tamen plerique sciunt describere regenerationem ex Verbo ita ut appareat illos prorsus scire, sicut quod vetus homo mortificandus cum suis concupiscentiis, et quod novus resurget, et quod in nova vita coram Deo ambulabit in albis vestibus, et quod fugiet mala, et alia similia, per quae is qui scit quid regeneratio, si non ulterius inspicere potest quam ad verba, credet quod sciant quid regeneratio; sed haec non tunc dixerunt; inquisitum unde est quod non sciant quid regeneratio, et compertum, quod non sciant quid charitas erga proximum, et inde quid bonum vitae, et quia credunt bonum vitae seu charitatem non esse essentiale salutis, sed modo fides sola, etiam si foret absque bono vitae, et quod per solam fidem ex sola misericordia detur coelum illis pro quibus Dominus intercedit, quia hoc in animis eorum jugiter est, ideo nequaquam possunt usque scire quid regeneratio.

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