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《灵界经历》 第5740节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5740

5740. They do not know what regeneration is

Many were examined, even those who were more learned than others in the world, as to whether they knew what regeneration is, because this is the essential factor of salvation, for the Lord says that one who is not regenerated anew cannot enter into true life, and elsewhere it says "who were born of God" [John 1:13]. But all those examined said that regeneration is baptism, because it is said "by water and the spirit" [John 3:5], and that they do not know any other regeneration. But I was surprised that they did not know what regeneration is, when writers and preachers say so many times that the old man must die in order that the new may come forth, and that for a person to have new life it is the same with yearning desires, and similar things that involve regeneration. As a consequence I also believed they understood what regeneration is, and because they had not understood what regeneration is, they therefore had thought up justification, about which they say similar things, but with every possible difference: that evil is not imputed to one who is justified, thus that they live without evils although they live in evils like any person. The reason they were ignorant is that they knew that a person can be regenerated by faith's truth, yes, by faith alone and not by the life of faith that is caring for others, and because they did not want to know what the life of faith that is caring for others is and did not make it a means of salvation, and because they did not know what spiritual love and affection are, so neither did they know what it is to be led by the Lord. It was therefore [that] they were in such ignorance concerning the very essential of salvation and therefore thought of justification and cherished this sort of opinion about it, as for instance, that [when one has been is justified] then no evils at all are imputed. From this the nature of the Church is clearly evident. What regeneration is may be seen in the heavenly doctrine. 1


1. See The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 173ֱ86.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5740


Many were explored, even those who in the world were more learned than others, as to whether they knew what regeneration is, since that is the essential of salvation; for the Lord says, that he who is not born anew cannot enter into truths, and elsewhere it is said, those who are born of God. But all said that it is Baptism, because it is said by water and the Spirit, and that they do not know any other regeneration. But I marveled that they did not know what regeneration is, when, nevertheless, writers and preachers so often state that the old man must be slain in order that the new may exist and concupiscences in like manner, that man may have new life - and the like; which involve regeneration. Hence, also, I believed that they understood what regeneration is; but, inasmuch as they did not understand what regeneration is, they therefore invented justification, about which they say similar things, but with all kinds of differences; for example: that evils are not imputed to him who is justified; thus, that he lives sinlessly, though he live in evils like any other man. The reason they did not know, is, because they insisted that man is regenerated by the truths of faith, consequently by faith alone, and not by the life of faith, which is charity; and, since they did not wish to know what the life of faith, which is charity, is, and did not make it a means of salvation; since, also, they did not know what spiritual love and affection are, nor, therefore, what it is to be led by the Lord; therefore, they were in such ignorance about the very essential of salvation, and for this reason devised justification, and cherished such an opinion about it, as, that, when a man is justified evils are not imputed. From this the quality of the Church is manifest. What regeneration is may be seen in the Heavenly Doctrine. 1


1. See the chapter on "Regeneration" in The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 173-186. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5740 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5740. Quod non sciant quid regeneratio

Explorati sunt multi, etiam qui docti prae aliis in mundo fuerunt, num scirent quid regeneratio, quia id essentiale salutis est, nam Dominus dicit [quod] qui non regeneretur denuo non possit intrare in veram [vitam] , et alibi dicitur qui nati a Deo" [Joh. I: 13]; sed dicebant omnes quod sit baptismus, quia dicitur "per aquam et spiritum" [Joh. III: 5], et quod non aliam regenerationem sciant, sed miratus sum quod non scirent quid regeneratio, cum tamen scriptores et praedicatores toties dicant, quod mortificandus vetus homo, ut existat novus, quod concupiscentiae similiter, ut nova vita homini sit, et similia quae involvunt regenerationem, inde etiam credidi quod intelligerent quid regeneratio, et quia non intellexerunt quid regeneratio, inde invenerunt justificationem, de qua similia dicunt, sed cum omni differentia, quod qui justificatus non ei imputentur mala, sic quod vivat absque malis, tametsi in malis vivit sicut homo; causa quod nesciverint, est quia sciverunt regenerari hominem per vera fidei, ita per solam fidem, et non per vitam fidei quae charitas, et quia non scire voluerunt quid vita fidei quae charitas, et eam non fecerunt medium salutis, et quia non sciverunt quid spiritualis amor [et] affectio, ita nec quid sit duci a Domino, ideo in tali ignorantia de ipso essentiali salutis fuerunt, et ideo justificationem cogitaverunt, et de illa talem opinionem fovent, sicut quod tunc non imputarentur omnia mala, inde patet qualis Ecclesia. Quid regeneratio videatur in doctrina coelesti. 1


1. vide De Nova Hierosolyma et euus Doctrina Coelesti @@NHDCccc173-86

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