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《灵界经历》 第5745节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5745

5745. In the beginning all those were chosen for heaven who had lived well, thus in acknowledgement of the Lord, in a life of goodness on account of Him and Divine precepts. But because there were few and heaven is enormous, many others were admitted, and eventually all who had lived well morally; and happiness was given to them, everything in abundance so that nothing was lacking; and at the end they began to admit others on the basis of their purblind piety, as long as they could pretend to be pious, and also to admit the sort of spirits who only in outward respects appeared upright and pious, even if they were extremely malicious in inward respects. Angels were even sent to them who made such qualities evident to them, but in vain. For this reason as such a multitude increased, so also were the inward elements of the prior ones opened, and they gave themselves over to them. But all those who were good were taken away from there and hidden in various places. They afterward constituted a new heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5745

5745. In the beginning, in [the "old"] heaven, all were picked out who had lived well, consequently, in the acknowledgment of the Lord, and were in a good life for His sake and that of the Divine Commandments; but, because these were few and the heavens immense, therefore many others were admitted, and, at length, all who have lived morally well. Happiness, also, was given them, and all things in abundance, so that nothing was lacking; and, at length, they began to admit others on the ground of mere piety, if only they simulated devotions, and likewise such as in externals only appeared upright and devout, though in internals they were most wicked. Angels, also, were sent to them by the Lord, who exhibited such things to them, but in vain. Wherefore, in proportion as the multitude of such a kind increased, so their interiors were at first opened, and they yielded themselves to them; but all the good were taken out thence and concealed in different places. These, afterwards, composed the new heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 5745 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5745. In principio in coelum desumti sunt omnes qui bene vixerunt, ita in agnitione Domini, in vita bona propter Ipsum et Divina praecepta, sed quia pauci erant, et coeli ingentes, ideo admissi plures alii, et tandem omnes qui moraliter bene vixerunt, et quoque illis data est felicitas, omnia in abundantia, sic ut nihil deesset, et tandem coeperunt ex coeca pietate admittere alios, modo simulare pia possent, et quoque tales qui solum in externis apparebant probi et pii, tametsi in internis essent malitiosissimi; missi etiam a Domino ad illos angeli, qui talia illis manifestarent, sed incassum, quare sicut increvit multitudo talis, ita interiora priorum aperiebantur, et se dederunt illis, sed boni omnes inde exemti sunt, et occultati variis in locis, qui postea novum coelum constituerunt.

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