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《灵界经历》 第5751节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5751

5751. The Abyss

The abyss spoken of in Rev.

[22:3] into which the dragon was finally cast is completely and directly below the genitals. A large wide cavern appears there, dark and murky, into which the dragon himself (Bish. Benzelius 1) was cast and many of his adherents. As they headed into the deep, they were buried in its midst. Into it were also cast those who had been able to feign innocence, who in the world had been with young children and learned how to play and act as they did, and had nevertheless lived a wicked life and were prostitutes so that they might service those who were there. In short, it is an enormous quagmire. It is a filthy basin of urine, although not of excrement, because all these love what is false and mix what is false with truths.


1. Erik Benzelius the Elder (1632ֱ709), Swedish theologian and archbishop of Uppsala.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5751

5751. THE ABYSS.

(The abyss 1into which the dragon was at length cast, which is treated of in the Apocalypse, 1is completely and directly under the genitals. There appears there a great and spacious cavern, black and gloomy. Thither was cast the dragon himself (Bishop Benzelius), and many who adhered to him; who, as they arrived at the depth, were shut up in the midst. Thither; also, were cast those who were able to feign innocence, - who, in the world, were with infants, and learned to play and act with them, and, yet, lived a wicked life and were prostitutes - so that they might serve those who were there. In a word, it is an immense gulf. It is the receptacle of the dregs of urine - not, however, of the ordure - for the reason that they all love falsities and mingle falsities with truths.)


1. Chapter 20 - there called "the bottomless pit." -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5751 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5751. Abyssus

Abyssus, de quo in Apoc. [XX: [3] quo draco tandem conjectus est, est prorsus et directe sub genitalibus, apparet ibi magna et lata caverna, nigra et caliginosa, illuc, conjectus est ipse draco (Ep. Benzelius) et plures qui ei adhaeserunt, qui ut in profundum tetenderunt, operti sunt in medio; etiam illuc conjecti sunt, qui mentiri innocentiam potuerunt, qui fuerunt in mundo apud infantes, et didicerant ludere et agere sicut illi, et tamen vitam malitiosam vixerunt, et fuerunt prostibula, ut illis qui ibi servirent; verbo ingens vorago est, est receptaculum sordium urinae, non autem excrementorum, ex causa quia illi omnes amant falsa, et commiscent falsa veris.

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