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《灵界经历》 第5752节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5752

5752. Why those in the Christian world have not believed in resurrection

immediately after death

The reasons are: 1) because they have thought sensually about man's life and have thought that only the body lives. 2) That they have thought about man's soul as atmospheric ether or as breath or as thought apart from an organic subject. 3) That they have a similar idea of a spirit, also of angels. 4) Because on the basis of doctrines drawn from the letter of the Word [they have thought] they will be resurrected at the Last Judgment when all things are going to perish. 5) Because they do not grasp what man is inwardly, thus what man's spirit is. 6) And that they remove from their mental image of it everything appearing to be substantial. 7) Because when anything like this presents itself, most question whether it is or is not true, and as they do so, judge and conclude on the basis of the senses. 8) That when such things are spoken about, they are given the center of attention. 9) Those who do not do this believe, as do all simple people, all before death؛thus] all when this is not thought of from the things commented on.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5752


The reasons are,

(1) because they thought sensually about the life of man, and that only the body lives;

(2) because they thought about man's soul as of ether, or as of wind, or as of thought abstracted from an organic subject;

(3) because they have a similar idea about a spirit, also about angels, since, from a doctrinal taken from the literal sense of the Word [they thought] that they would rise at the Last Judgment, when all things would perish;

(4) because they did not understand what the internal man, consequently what man's spirit, is; - also, because they remove from their ideas thereof everything appearing substantial;

(5) because the majority, when any such thing presents itself, subject it to the thought as to whether it is, or is not, and then the sensual judges and concludes upon it;

(6) because such things are put under the midst 1of the intuition, when they are mentioned;

(7) they who do not do this believe, as do all the simple, and all at the hour of death, and all when they do not think about it from the things mentioned.


1. Consult nos. 5678-5684 above. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5752 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5752. Cur non crediderunt resurrectionem statim post mortem in orbe Christiano

Causae sunt,

1) quia sensualiter cogitarunt de vita hominis, et quod solum corpus vivat.

2) Quod de anima hominis cogitaverunt sicut de aethereo, seu sicut de pneumate, seu sicut de cogitatione abstracta a subjecto organico.

3) Quod de spiritu similem ideam habeant, etiam de angelis.

4) Quia ex doctrinali ex sensu literae Verbi, quod resurrecturi ultimo judicio cum peritura omnia.

5) Quia non capiunt, quid homo interius, ita quid spiritus hominis.

6) Et quod removeant ab ideis de illo omne substantiale apparens.

7) Quia plerique, dum aliquid tale occurrit, mittitur sub cogitationem num sit vel non sit, et tunc sensuale judicat et concludit.

8) Quod talia mittantur sub mediam intuitionem, cum dicuntur.

9) Qui hoc non faciunt, credunt, ut faciunt omnes simplices, omnes ante mortem, omnes cum de ea re non cogitatur ex dictis.

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