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《灵界经历》 第5758节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5758

5758. 1Continuation about the last judgment

How this was carried out with those from the Christian world was described. The leaders who tried to destroy the Kingdom of the Lord and heaven were particularly from those who had only faith. These came together with their prelates, and they agreed that they would lay siege from every side on those who acknowledge the truths of faith, that is to say, the heavenly doctrine. They sent groups of 50 in all directions into a hundred places. And they allied themselves with the diabolic gang, and part of them stayed behind and kept in communication with them and provided support. This is how it was at the beginning, but eventually all like this were cast down and scattered, and they who were like them.


1. Paragraphs 5753׵757 are missing in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5758

5758. 1THE LAST JUDGMENT (continued).

It has been shown how it befell those from the Christian world. The leaders, who endeavored to destroy the kingdom of the Lord and heaven, were principally of those who were in faith alone. They were assembled with their prelates; and they decided that they would assail from every quarter those who acknowledged the truths of faith, or the Heavenly Doctrine. They dispatched [emissaries] from all sides, 50 by 50, into a hundred places, and allied themselves with the diabolical crew; and part of them remained and communicated with those and rendered assistance. Thus it was begun; but, at length, all such, and those who were like them, were cast down and dispersed.


1. The gap in numbering, 5753-5757, occurs in the original. – Tr.

Experientiae Spirituales 5758 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5758. 1

Continuatio de ultimo judicio

Descriptum est quomodo peractum cum illis ex Christiano orbe, antesignani qui destruere conati sunt Regnum Domini et coelum, erant imprimis ex illis qui in sola fide, illi congregati sunt cum suis antistitibus et convenerunt ut obsiderent ab undequaque illos qui agnoscebant vera fidei seu doctrinam coelestem, miserunt undequaque 50 et 50 in centum locis, et ligabant se cum diabolica turba, et pars eorum remanebant et communicabant cum illis, et auxiliabantur, ita inceptum, sed tandem omnes tales dejecti sunt et dissipati, et qui similes illis.


1. 5753-5757 desunt

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