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《灵界经历》 第5759节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5759

5759. After this those were cast down who were entirely contemptuous of learning and knowledge, (among them Eliez[er] 1). There was a great number of them.


1. See footnoted information about him in passage 4691.

[5759] 1/2. After this those were thrown out who felt delight in the suffering of others and those who found unheard-of arts of harming others: inflicting pain on body and soul and keeping their thought constantly on this pain and sending those who injected despair. And they produced disgust with life and a constant longing for release from pain or whatever evil, which two [feelings] inflict so much pain and torment that it cannot be described. Those like this were thrown down in enormous number along with others who felt delight in other's being tortured.

Those too were cast down who were in communication with those who were below, because they were outside their own territory. For they had the intention of controlling and leading others and do not bother with their own.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5759

5759. After this, those were cast down who utterly despised learning and the sciences (amongst them, Eliezer), who were in great numbers. This, also, lasted a long time.

5759a. Those were afterwards cast out who experienced delight in the sufferings of others, and who devised unheard of contrivances for torturing others, by inflicting pain on body and mind, and holding the thought continually upon the pain, and sending those who also infused desperation likewise, those who inflicted weariness of life and the continual desire of liberation from the pain, or whatever ill [it might be]; which two [classes] inflict such suffering and torture as cannot be described. Such, also, were cast down in immense numbers; besides some like them, who took delight in the torture of others. All, likewise, were cast down who communicated with those who were beneath, inasmuch as [they were] outside their own territory. For these were in the disposition of ruling and leading others, but did not attend to their own affairs.

Experientiae Spirituales 5759 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5759. Postea dejecti sunt qui contemnebant prorsus eruditionem et scientias, (Eliez. inter illos) , qui erant magno numero, perstabat etiam diu. [5759]1/2. Postea ejecti sunt qui jucundum perceperunt in eo quod alii paterentur qui invenerunt inauditas artes malefaciendi aliis, incutiendo dolorem corpori ac animo, ac tenendo continue cogitationem in eo dolore mittendo illos qui etiam ingerebant desperationem: tum qui incutiebant taedium vitae desiderium continuum liberationis a dolore aut quocunque malo, quae duo tantum dolorem cruciatum incutiunt, ut describi non possit, tales etiam dejecti sunt ingentem numerum; praeter similes qui jucundum perceperunt in aliorum cruciatu. Dejecti sunt etiam omnes qui communicabant cum illis qui infra, quia extra territorium suum. Illi enim animo imperandi ducendi alios erant non curant suos.

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