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《灵界经历》 第576节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


576 1/2.此外,他们一直希望自己被带到天堂,因为他们一生都做了善事。他们甚至商议他们如何能闯进去或把自己提入天堂。但这是徒劳的;他们仍旧很冷。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 576

576. Furthermore, they go about, asking among all whom they meet whether they would like to give them something to make them warm. When they receive something, and indeed, something of warmth from others, even this does nothing for them. For they are trying to obtain an inner warmth, not the outer warmth they get from others; and they finally become so afraid and sick of the others' warmth, that they go back to their sawing, to acquire warmth for themselves.

Their coldness also, I have felt, which is very intense, and they could not bear it if I either warmed myself at the fire, or warmed my feet with shoes, or anything of that kind.

576. 1/2. Moreover, they are always hoping they are to be carried up into heaven because they have done good deeds in their life, even deliberating how they could force their own way, or lift themselves up, into heaven. But it is in vain, for they still become cold.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 576

576. Moreover, they wander around, and ask all they meet if they will give them anything by which they may become warm. When they receive anything from others, even something of warmth, it nevertheless has no effect with them, for they want to have internal heat, but not the external heat which they receive from others. At length they become so frightened and nauseated at the heat of others, that they return to their sawings, so that they may acquire it for themselves. I have also felt their cold which was severe enough. Nor could they bear it that in my case I should make myself warm, whether at the fire, or my feet by means of shoes, and the like. 1


1. This last sentence was added later and is crowded in between this and the following number.

576 1/2. Moreover, they always hope that they are to be carried away to heaven, because during their life they had done good. Yea, they consult how they themselves can break into or elevate themselves into heaven. But it is in vain; they still remain cold.

Experientiae Spirituales 576 (original Latin 1748-1764)

576. Praeterea circumeunt, et quaerunt apud omnes, quibus obviant, si quid iis dare velint, quibus calefiant; dum accipiunt aliquid et quidem ab aliis aliquid caloris, usque id nihil apud eos efficit, nam volunt habere internum calorem, non autem externum, quem ab aliis accipiunt, tandem ita timent et nauseant calores eorum, ut redeant ad suas serrationes, ut sibimet acquirant eum, frigus eorum quoque sensi, quod satis multum est, nec pati potuerunt in me, quod calidum me facerem, sive ad ignem, sive pedes per calceos et per similia.

576a. Praeterea sperant semper, quod in coelum auferendi, quia bona in vita sua fecerunt, imo consultant, quomodo semet in coelum possint infringere, seu elevare; sed frustra, usque frigescunt.

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