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《灵界经历》 第575节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

575.关于那些在来世试图用锯割草取暖的人。关于劈柴的人,你可以参看前面的说明(271-3, 330, 534-6, 549节)。也有些人锯的不是木头,而是草,以此试图取暖。当我问他们是谁时,被告知,他们就是那些过着十分道德的生活,却不向任何人行正义,因而在世间生活中被视为良善的人。他们也救济穷乏困苦人,故以为自己能由此而得赏赐。但尽管他们知道耶稣基督我们的救主是道路,并且是唯一被崇拜的人,因为祂是唯一的代求者,人和神,因而是唯一的主,然而他们仍略过祂,从心里以为承认唯一的神,宇宙的创造者就足够了,他们所说的这唯一的神是指父。因此,他们怀疑,确切地说否认我们的主,从而蔑视祂唯一的代求。这些人死后就是寒冷的那种人,他们试图通过把草锯碎来为自己取暖。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 575

575. About those in the afterlife who seek to warm themselves by cutting grass with a saw

About the wood-cutters, you may see what has been said previously [ 271-3, 330, 534-6, 549]. There are also some who saw, not wood, but grass, and by this means seek to warm themselves.

When I inquired who these were, [I was told] that they are those who live morally well in life, doing no one injustice, thus who are reputed as good in civil life, and also give to the needy and poor, so they believe that on this account they deserve some [reward]. But although they know that Jesus Christ our Savior is the way, and the only one to be worshipped, because He is the one only Intercessor, Human, and God, thus the one only Lord, nevertheless they still pass Him by and believe in their heart that it is sufficient for us to acknowledge the one only God, creator of the universe - by whom they mean the Father. Consequently they doubt, or rather deny our Lord, thus scorning His the Only Intercession.

These after death are the kind who are cold, and who seek to acquire warmth for themselves by sawing grass into tiny pieces.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 575


You may see what was said before concerning wood-cutters [nos. 271-273; 534-536; 549. There are also those who saw, not wood, but grass, and thereby strive to warm themselves. When it was inquired who they were, it was said that they are those who in life live well morally, do injustice to no-one, and in civil life are reputed good. They also give to the needy and the poor, so they suppose that on that account they merit something. But although they know that our Savior Jesus Christ is "the way", and the only One who is to be adored, because He is the One only Mediator, Man and God, thus the One only Lord, still for all that, they pass Him by, and at heart believe that it is sufficient to acknowledge the One only God, the Creator of the Universe, by whom they thus understand the Father; wherefore they doubt, or rather deny, our Lord, and so spurn His sole mediation. These after death are such that they are cold, and they seek to acquire warmth for themselves by sawing grass into the minutest pieces.

Experientiae Spirituales 575 (original Latin 1748-1764)

575. De iis qui post vitam se calefacere student per scissionem graminis per serram

De lignariis prius actum videas [271, 273, 330, 534, 536, 549], sunt quoque serrarii, sed non ligni sed graminis, et inde se calefacere student; dum inquirebatur, quinam ii essent, sunt qui in vita moraliter bene vivunt, nulli faciunt injustitiam, sed in vita civili audiunt boni, etiam dant egenis et pauperibus, ita quoque putant inde mereri quid sed quamvis norunt, quod Jesus Christus Salvator noster sit via, et unicus qui adorandus, quia unicus Mediator, Homo et Deus, sic unicus Dominus, usque tamen Ipsum praetereunt, et corde suo credunt, quod satis sit, ut agnoscamus unicum Deum, universi creatorem-sic 1

Patrem intelligunt - quare 2

dubitant vel potius negant Dominum nostrum 3

, sic spernunt Ipsius Mediationem Solam, ii post mortem sunt tales, quod frigidi sint, et quaerant sibimet acquirere calorem per serrationem graminis in minutissima.


1. The Manuscript has creatorem, sic

2. The Manuscript has intelligunt, quare

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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