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《灵界经历》 第5764节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5764

5764. After this all those were let down who were pious. They were at the top of a rock, in the center, not easily seen by the rest. They had a life of piety, but not of charity. There were two kinds of them: one had falsities,

5767. 1ascribing everything to unconditional mercy as well as attributing merit to themselves, besides much more, so that they had not been concerned about learning doctrinal matters and filling their inner person with these, as long as they practiced holiness outwardly praying, going to church, speaking [piously]; the other kind was contemptuous of the neighbor in comparison with themselves, believing only they were worthy of heaven, and damning others from the heart who did not live as they. These and those looked down on those who were below and desired to control all whom they saw there; thus they had a propensity for commanding, and it gave them the belief that they were angels because they were on high.

[2] They brought on heaviness in the inner parts of the loins on the right. The pain stemming from those [caught up] in falsities terminated toward the urethra, [from those] possessed by the love of self toward the anus. The said that they had thought little about the Lord, but not [so] about God the Father. They were also anxieties, on which account they ought to have been among themselves and not depress the angels, who are joys.


1. Following the author's instruction we have transposed 5767 here.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5764

5764. Afterwards, those also were let down who were pietists. They were on the summit of a rock - in its midst - invisible to the rest. They lived a life of piety, but not one of charity. There were two kinds of these; one which was in falsities; 1

Experientiae Spirituales 5764 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5764. Postea etiam demissi sunt, qui pietates fuerunt, erant in alto petrae in medio ejus, inconspicui reliquis, qui pietatis vitam vixerunt sed non aliquam charitatis, erant bina genera eorum, unum quod in falsis, ##

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