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《灵界经历》 第5763节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5763

5763. 1Storsta dehlen til monge millioner, som lenge continuerades, kommo ned for det de sago ned, och sammanfogade [sig] med dem som undre woro, och utom woro. Hwarigenom de sammanfogade sig med dieflar, tog forswar af dem, converserade som med sina egne, fick lust a styra omkring sig, och gora illa alle dem som de sago wara utom forswar; alle de horde intet til bergen utan da begifwit sig och tagit sitt hemwist der ibland dem som forr warit der, som warit beskedelige, hwilcke at de intet skulle forforas woro borttagne af Herren och giomde pa monge stellen:؊a pa nagra stellen, hafwa de som opkommit drifwit bort alla dem som forr warit der, och satt sig i stelle.؄e som saledes opkommit, aro af de andra resurrectione, hwilcke ock blifwit nedkord et bortbragte och de andre istellet, som ock alla de som blifwit dode som barn och opfostrade i andelifwet kommit istelle, de der giora novum coelum et novam terram. [cf. also above, 5749, 5761-62.]


1. = The greatest part, numbering up to many thousands that continued in existence for a long time, came down because they looked down and associated with those who were below, and were on the outside. By doing this they joined with devils, protected them, conversed with them just as [with their own], found pleasure in excising control [over those] around them, harming those whom they saw were defenseless. All these did not belong to the mountain but at that time had departed and made their home there among those who were there earlier, who were of a gentle nature, who lest they be seduced, were removed by the Lord and hidden in many places.ؙes, in some places those who had come up drove off all those who had been there before them and put themselves in their place. Those who had come up in this way are of the second resurrection, who also were let down and carried away, and the others [are brought in] instead, as also all those came who had died as children and been raised in the other life. These are they who constitute the new heaven. [cf. 5749, 5761ֶ2.]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5763

5763. The 1greater part, to the number of many millions came down because they looked down, and were joined with others who were without which went on for a long time whereby they joined themselves with devils, received protection from them, entered into alliance with them as with their own, were incited with lust to govern around them, and did evil to all those who they saw were without protection. All these did not belong to the mountain; they only went there and stayed among those who were there before, who had been well conducted and who were now taken away by the Lord and hidden in many places, so that they should not be seduced. Yea, in some places, those who came up have driven away all those who were there before, and put themselves in their places. Those who come up thus are of the second resurrection. They are also taken down and away, and the others are put in their places; and all those who died in childhood and who were brought up in the other life are also put in their places. These there form the new heaven and the new earth.


1. The original of this no. is in Swedish; and as it does not appear in the Latin edition, we subjoin it here from the Appendix to Swedenborg's Drommar, edited by G. E. Klemming. It is as follows:

"5763. Storsta dehlen til monga millioner, som lenge continuerades, kommo ned for det de sago ned, och sammanfogades med de som andre woro, och vtom woro. Hwarigenenom de sammanfogade sig med dieflar, tog forswar af dem, contraherade som med sine egne, fick lusta styra omkring sig, och giora illa alle dem som de sago wara vtan forswar; alle de horde intet til bergen vtan begifwit sig och tagit sitt hemwist der ibland dem som forr warit der, som warit beskedelige, hwilke at de intet skulle forforas nu woro borttagne af Herren och giomde pa amonge stellen:-Ja pa nagra stellen, hafwa de som opkommit drifwit bort alla dem som forr warit der, och satt sig i stelle. -de som saledes opkommit, aro af den andre resurrectione, hwilcke ock ock blifwit nedkorde och bortbragte och de andre i stellet, som ock alla de som blifwit dode som barn och opfostrade i andrelifwet kommit i stelle, de der giora novum coelum et novam terram."

Experientiae Spirituales 5763 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5763. Storsta dehlen til monge millioner, som lenge continuerades, kommo ned for det de sago ned, och sammanfogade [sig] med dem som undre woro, och utom woro. Hwarigenom de sammanfogade sig med dieflar, tog forswar af dem, converserade som med sina egne, fick lust a styra omkring sig, och gora illa alle dem som de sago wara utom forswar; alle de horde intet til bergen utan da begifwit sig och tagit sitt hemwist der ibland dem som forr warit der, som warit beskedelige, hwilcke at de intet skulle forforas woro borttagne af Herren och giomde pa monge stellen: - Ja pa nagra stellen, hafwa de som opkommit drifwit bort alla dem som forr warit der, och satt sig i stelle. - De som saledes opkommit, aro af de andra resurrectione, hwilcke ock blifwit nedkord et bortbragte och de andre istellet, som ock alla de som blifwit dode som barn och opfostrade i andelifwet kommit istelle, de der giora novum coelum et novam terram. [cf. etiam supra, 5749, 5761-5762.] 1


1. = Maxima pars ad plures milliones -quod diu continuabatur - descenderunt quia despiciebant, et se associcbant illis qui infra erant, et extra erant; per quod se consociabant cum diabolis, eos tutabantur, [cum iis] sicut cum suis conversabantur, cupiditatem ceperunt imperandi circum se, et malum faciendi omnibus, quos viderunt absque tutela esse; hi omnes non ad montes pertinebant sed tunc discesserunt et sibi domicilium collocarunt inter illos qui prius ibi fuerant, qui mites erant, qui ne seducerentur, a Domino remoti et multis in locis abediti erant: - Imo aliquibus in locis, abegerunt ii qui successerunt omnes priores ibi, ac se loco eorum posuerunt. - Qui sic successerunt, sunt illi qui ex secunda resurrectione, qui etiam demissi sunt et ablati et [pro quibus] alii loco [eorum allati], sicut etiam omnes qui infantes mortui sunt et in spirituali vita educati, loco [eorum] venerunt, hi sunt qui novum coelum et novam terram constituunt. (Verba suecica)

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