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《灵界经历》 第5766节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5766

5766. I saw that the faces of many were turned to one who was not of such a nature, who did not think about the world but about heaven, and not about himself but about the Divine, especially about the Lord, and who believed that he had no power of himself but from the Lord. When this was seen, nearly thousands of thousands were so hostile that they all banded together to torture him in many ways. In so doing they showed what their attitude was against the Divine and the Lord. All these were marked who were

[5766] 1/2. on several mountains, to the number of thousands of thousands, as has been said. Those there in a gleaming white city appeared as if they were in heaven, but they were investigated [and it was found] that they were all such as has been above described and that inwardly they were hypocrites, namely that they were able to speak about heaven, about God, and about faith's truths, but yet that none of them did what is good other than for themselves, that is, for their own sake. They were shown that some were hypocrites inwardly, some outwardly; and that the mind's inner elements into which the Divine inflows and which 1is open with the angels, is with them entirely closed, and that the outer elements are open toward the world. Consequently they care for nothing but such things.


1. This is singular in the ms.

[5766] 1:3. They treated one who had such a faith and caring nature badly, indeed very badly, to the point of cruelty. But he was taken away from their savagery by the Lord. Then they were all, from two mountains, examined. They who were at the right, within the realm of Christianity where the Word is, were cast down. Thus the mountains were emptied of spirits like this. There were additionally others roundabout, especially to the left, who appeared as if they were very high above the head. These were examined and found to be hypocrites inwardly and were similarly cast down. These too were extremely hostile enemies to those who did what is good from their heart, although these had done nothing to harm to them or said anything harmful to them. All who although they know and speak truths but still do not do them are like this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5766

5766. I saw that the faces of many were directed towards one who was not of such a character, but who thought not of the world but of heaven, and not of himself but of the Divine, and especially of the Lord, and who believed that he possessed nothing of power from himself, but only from the Lord. When they saw him, they, to the number of as many as thousands of thousands, were so enraged, that they all banded themselves together to torment him in many ways. Thus they exposed what their disposition was opposed to the Divine and to the Lord. All those who were upon certain mountains - to the number, as has been said, of many thousands - were noticed.

5766a. Those who were there, appeared in a glistening city, as if they were in heaven; but it was ascertained that they were such as above described, and that interiorly they were hypocrites; to wit, that they could talk of heaven, of God, of the truths of faith, but that still they did nothing good, save to themselves, that is, for their own sake. Some of them were shown to be hypocrites interiorly, some exteriorly; it was likewise shown that the interiors which are of the mind, into which the Divine inflows, and which are open with angels, with these were fast shut, and the exteriors open towards the world: hence, they cared for nothing but such [viz. worldly] things.

5766b. These vilely, indeed most vilely, ill-treated him who was in such faith and charity, even to the point of cruelty; but, still, he was borne away from their ferocity by the Lord. All those from the two mountains which were at the right, within the sphere of Christendom, where was the Word, were then explored, and were cast down. Thus those mountains were emptied of such ones. There were, moreover, round about, others, especially at the left, who appeared as it were very high above the head: these were examined, and were found to be interiorly hypocrites; and they in like manner were cast down. These, also, were most implacable enemies against those who did good from the heart, although the latter did them no harm, nor said any harm to them. Of such a character are all those who, although they know and speak truths, still do not practice truths.

Experientiae Spirituales 5766 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5766. Vidi quod facies plurium conversae essent ad unum, qui non talis erat, sed qui non cogitavit de mundo sed de coelo, et non de se sed de Divino, imprimis Domino, et qui credidit quod nihil potestatis haberet ex se sed ex Domino, eo viso usque ad millia millium ita infensi sunt, ut se conjunxerint omnes ad illum cruciandum multis modis; ita se manifestabant quali animo essent contra Divinum et Dominum, omnes illi notati, qui erant

[5[766] 1/2. super aliquibus montibus multa millia ut dictum, apparebant illi qui ibi in urbe candente, sicut forent in coelo, sed explorati quod omnes tales essent sicut supra descriptum quod interius hypocritae essent, nempe quod loqui possent de coelo, de Deo de veris fidei, sed quod usque nulli facerent bonum quam sibi, hoc est, propter se; ostensi quod quidam interius hypocritae essent, quidam exterius quod interiora quae mentis, in quae influit Divinum quod apertum esset apud angelos, apud hos prorsus clausum esset exteriora aperta versus mundum, inde nihil curabant quam talia,

[5[766] 1/3. illi male imo pessime afficiebant illum, qui in tali fide charitate erat, usque crudelitatem, sed usque exemtus est a Domino illorum saevitiae, tunc omnes illi explorati, e duobus montibus, qui dextrum, intra sphaeram Christianismi ubi erat Verbum, dejecti sunt, sic montes illi evacuati essent a talibus: erant insuper circumcirca alii, imprimis sinistrum, qui apparebant sicut supra caput altissimi, hi explorati inventi quod interius hypocritae essent illi similiter dejecti, hi etiam infensissimi hostes erant contra illos qui bonum ex corde fecerunt, tametsi hi illis nihil mali fecerunt, nec aliquid mali cum illis loquuti sunt; tales sunt omnes qui tametsi sciunt loquuntur vera, usque non vera faciunt.

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