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《灵界经历》 第5767节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5767

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5767

5767. 1ascribing all things to immediate mercy, also merit to themselves, besides many other [falsities]; so that they had no inclination to know doctrinals and imbue the internal man with them, only they had been in a holy external, in prayings, in church-goings, in [pious] conversations. The second kind were such that they despised the neighbor in comparison with themselves, believing themselves alone worthy of heaven, and, in heart, condemning others who have not lived as they did. The latter and the former looked beneath themselves to those who were slow and wanted to govern all whom they saw there; thus their disposition was to rule; and it gave them the notion, that, because they were on high, they were angels. They brought on a heaviness in the interiors of the loin, at the right side. The pain from those who were in falsities terminated towards the urethra; that from those who were in the love of self, towards the anus. They said that they thought but little of the Lord, but not so of God, [or] the Father. They were also anxieties; wherefore, they ought to have been with each other, and not to inflict sadness upon the angels, who are joys.


1. Swedenborg's asterisks evidently mean that no. 5767 is to follow immediately upon no. 5764; a thing manifestly demanded by the sense. We have, therefore, placed it accordingly. For 5765 see after 5767. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5767 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5767. ## 1

tribuentes omnia immediatae misericordiae, etiam sibi meritum, praeter plura, sic ut non curae illis fuerat scire doctrinalia, et internum hominem illis imbuere, modo in sancto externo fuissent, in precibus, in templis, in loquelis; alterum genus erat quod contemnebat proximum prae se, se solum dignos coelo credentes, et damnantes e corde alios, qui non vixerunt sicut illi; hi et illi etiam spectabant infra se ad illos qui infra erant, et volebant omnes ibi quos videbant moderare, sic animus illis imperandi fuit, et dedit illis opinionem quod angeli essent quia in edito; gravedinem inferebant interioribus lumbi ad dextrum, ab illis qui in falsis terminabatur dolor versus urethram, [ab illis] qui in amore sui versus anum. Dicebant quod parum de Domino cogitaverint, sed non [parum] de Deo, de Patre. Erant etiam anxietates, quare inter se esse debebant, et non tristia angelis incutere, qui sunt gaudia.


1. conformiter auctoris indiciis 5767 huc transposuimus

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