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《灵界经历》 第5770节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5770

5770. About the Speech of spirits and angels, about Heaven

It was often observed that when spirits have spoken with me that this was done in my own native language or in other languages that I was versed in. At the time they did not know that they speak otherwise among themselves. The reason is that their speech falls into my language [when speaking] with me and is thus put into words, when in fact they themselves are thinking among themselves from their own way of speaking; and because they are not thinking about any other language than mine, they do not know otherwise; but when they turn themselves away from me, they then speak with themselves in their own language, which they don't stop to think about, because it is natural and implanted in them; for everyone comes into it when they become spirits. How much more perfect it is than human speech has been said several times earlier.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5770


I have frequently observed, that, when spirits spoke with me, it was done in my mother tongue, or in other languages with which I was familiar at the time. They did not know that they spoke otherwise than they speak with each other. This is because their speech falls, with me, into my language, and is thus presented in words, when yet they themselves, at the time, are thinking from their own speech. It is also because they do not then reflect upon anything else than what belongs to me, and because they do not know any different. But when they turn themselves from me, they speak to each other in their own speech, upon which they do not reflect, inasmuch as it is natural and inrooted; for every man comes into it when he becomes a spirit. How much more prompt it is than human speech, has been declared several times before.

Experientiae Spirituales 5770 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5770. De Loquela spirituum et angelorum, de Coelo

Observatum est saepius, quod spiritus, cum mecum loquuti sunt, quod factum vernacula mea aut in aliis linguis quas callui, tunc non sciverint quod aliter inter se loquantur, ex causa est, quia loquela eorum cadit in linguam meam apud me, et sic sistitur in vocibus, cum tamen ipsi tunc apud se cogitent ex sua loquela, et quia tunc non reflectunt super aliam quam super meam, quod non aliter sciant, sed cum vertunt se a me, tunc inter se loquuntur sua loquela super quam non reflectunt, quia est naturalis ac insita, nam unusquisque homo in illam venit cum fit spiritus. Quam perfectior illa sit loquela humana, aliquoties prius dictum est.

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