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《灵界经历》 第578节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 578

578. About the Characteristics of good spirits

Good spirits are distinguishable by many characteristics, as by their warmth when they came up to me, by the gentleness of their action upon me, and by the softness of their speaking; likewise, by their gentle pliability when they move in the company of many, and especially by the fact that when they are working in the company of many, it is openly seen that there are many functioning at the same time - thus not completely as one, like the angels.

They are distinguished chiefly by the fact that they do not want to say anything evil about anyone - like one in their company who was speaking, and called evil spirits by a bad name because they are wicked. Him who had said this and had thus set himself apart from them, they estranged from their choir, saying that he should first be taught not to hurt anyone by some smart remark.

Thus it is recognized at once in their circles, whether they are alike, or harmonize; and so they are also tested. 1748, 27 January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 578


Good spirits are distinguished by many things: as by heat when they approached me; by the gentleness of their action upon me; also by the gentleness of their speech; likewise by their gentle fluidity when they act in the company of many; and this is manifestly perceived, especially when they act in the company of many, namely, that there are many who act together, but not altogether as one, as do the angels. They are distinguished especially by the fact that they are unwilling to say anything evil about anyone, as did one in the society who spoke with them, when he called evil spirits by a bad name, because they are wicked. He who said this and distinguished himself from them was alienated from their choir; and they said that he had been taught before not to jeer at any one. Thus it is at once known in their consociations whether they are alike or in accord, and they are also tested in this way. 1748, Jan. 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 578 (original Latin 1748-1764)

578. De Characteribus spirituum bonorum

Spiritus boni se distinguunt per plura, ut per calorem, dum ad me appulerunt, per lenitudinem actionis in me, tum per lenitatem eorum loquelae, similiter per lenem fluiditatem dum in consortio plurium agunt, et 1

cumprimis, cum in consortio plurium agunt, quod id percipiatur manifeste, nempe quod plures sint, qui simul agunt, ita non prorsus ut unus, sicut angeli: imprimis per id quod nihil mali de quopiam dicere velint, sicut unus, qui in societate cum iis loquebatur, cum malos spiritus vocaret nomine malo, quia impii, quod eum, qui ita dixit, seque ab iis distinxit, ex eorum choro abalienaverint, dixerintque quod prius doctus sit, ne aliquem dicterio quodam afficiat: ita illico in consortiis noscuntur, num sint similes seu num concordent 2

, et probantur sic quoque. 1748, 27 Jan.


1. forte deletum in the Manuscript

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has concordant

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