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《灵界经历》 第5780节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5780

5780. Furthermore, from the series of fibers in the body can clearly be discerned how it is in the lowest heaven: that there are incomprehensible bundles there, as for example, those around the heart, those in the lower part, where all marvelously join themselves together. One fiber flows into another and also fastens itself to others marvelously; it flows in and flows out and mixes with others, and then again flows into others; likewise into ganglia, where they mix themselves together in a different way, and from there flow out to their functions. How this happens no one can comprehend. They are arranged in the pattern of heaven. The cardiac plexus, the hepatic and other plexuses, and the individual plexuses in each internal organ [are arranged in like fashion].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5780

5780. Moreover, it may be seen from the serieses of the fibers in the body, how the case is in the ultimate heaven, in that there are in that heaven incomprehensible fascicles; as, for example, those which are about the heart, those which are in the lower part where all things marvelously unite together, where one fiber inflows into another and also entwines itself with others in a wonderful manner, flowing in and flowing out and mingling itself with others and into others again even into the ganglia, where they commingle themselves in a different way, and thence flow forth to the performance of their functions. How these things take place, nobody is able to comprehend; they are arranged according to the heavenly form. [Similarly circumstanced are] the cardiac plexus, the hepatic and other plexuses also the individual plexuses in every single internal organ.

Experientiae Spirituales 5780 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5780. Porro ex seriebus fibrarum in corpore conspici potest, quomodo se habet in ultimo coelo, quod ibi sint fasciculi incomprehensibiles, ut qui circa cor, qui in parte inferiore, ubi omnia se mirabiliter conjungunt, una fibra influit in alteram, et quoque consertat 1

se cum aliis mirabiliter, influit et effluit, et se miscet aliis, ac iterum in alias, etiam in gangliones, ubi aliter se commiscent, et inde effluunt ad suas functiones, haec quomodo fiunt, nemo comprehendere potest, sunt disposita secundum formam coelestem. Plexus cardiacus, mesentericus, et alii plexus, et plexus speciales in quovis viscere.


1. = conserit

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