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《灵界经历》 第5781节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5781

5781. How the case is in the lower earth cannot be comprehended either. There are actually good spirits there and evil spirits as well, but as it were on gradated levels, so that the evil may be ruled by the good there. The case with these is as in the body's [nervous] system:

[2] the fibers from the cerebrum are adjoined to the fibers from the cerebellum and go everywhere as a one, the purpose being that man's voluntary actions may be controlled by the involuntary [nervous system]; for what is good always governs what is injurious. Such is the structure of the lower earth; therefore it is incomprehensible. It cannot be described in another way, for the whole heaven corresponds to all and the least details in man.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5781

5781. Neither can it be comprehended how the case is in the lower earth. There, also, are good spirits and evil, too: but as it were in layers; for the reason that the evil there may be ruled by the good. These are circumstanced as is the case in the bodily system: fibers from the cerebrum are adjoined to fibers from the cerebellum, which are consociated together wherever they go. This is because of the fact that man's voluntaries are ruled from the involuntaries; for good with man always rules evil. Such is the form there: wherefore, it is incomprehensible. It cannot be described in any other way; for the whole heaven corresponds with all and every one of the things that are with man.

Experientiae Spirituales 5781 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5781. Quomodo se habet in inferiori terra, nec hoc comprehendi potest, ibi etiam sunt boni spiritus et quoque mali, sed quasi stratim, ex causa ut mali regantur per bonos ibi, se habent illa sicut in systemate corporeo fibrae ex cerebro adjunctae fibris ex cerebello, quae una ubivis consociatae vadunt, ob causam, ut voluntaria hominis ex involuntariis regantur; nam bonum semper regit malum apud hominem, talis est forma ibi, quare incomprehensibilis, aliter describi nequit, nam totum coelum correspondet omnibus et singulis apud hominem.

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