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《灵界经历》 第5784节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5784

5784. About appearances in heaven

Heaven was seen, and palaces there; and some said that they [had been] there, that they had gone up there because [they had wanted to go] into heaven, but that they had seen no palaces there, and very few houses, but not magnificent ones. The reason was because they were concerned with outward things, and their inward regions were not opened: then they cannot be seen. And the reason was also that those who are concerned with what is inward see more magnificent things than those who are not so much concerned with what is inward, because all things grow more perfect and come into view depending on their inward things. At this time outer things do not appear in that beauty in which they do with those who have inward things. Magnificent promenades are seen there, gleaming candlesticks are there, lamps exquisitely arranged.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5784


Heaven was seen, also palaces there, and it was said by some that [they had been] to the place seen; that they ascended thither because into heaven, but that they did not see any one there, and very few houses, and those not magnificent. The reason was that they were in externals, and [when] the interiors are not open, then those there cannot be seen; and, also, because those who are in interiors see more magnificent things than those who are not so much in interiors; for all things increase in perfection, and are presented to view, according to the interiors exterior objects do not then appear in that beauty in which they are with those who are in interiors. Magnificent promenades were seen there, shining lampstands; and lamps in exquisite order.

Experientiae Spirituales 5784 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5784. De apparentia in coelis

Visum est coelum, et ibi palatia, et dictum a quibusdam quod ibi [fuerint], quod illuc ascenderint quia in coelum, sed quod nullum ibi viderint, et perparum domus, non autem magnifica, causa erat, quia erant in externis, et interiora non aperta sunt, tunc non videri possunt; et quoque quod qui in interioribus sunt videant magnificentiora quam illi qui non ita in interioribus sunt; quia secundum interiora crescunt omnia in perfectione et sistuntur videnda; exteriora tunc non apparent in illa pulchritudine, in qua apud illos qui in interioribus. Visa ibi sunt magnifica ambulacra, ibi candelabra fulgentia, lampades ordine exquisito.

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