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《灵界经历》 第5799节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5799

5799. The nature of Magic and Fantasy

I saw one known [to me] in the world, Freder[ick] 1King of Sweden at the time. He granted audience to all whom he was able to receive and whom he favored, up to hundreds, who could do for him what he wanted, both obtaining gold and many other things that he had in the world and at heart preferred [above gold], especially luring wives and [any] of the female gender that he saw. The sorcerers who were with him knew how to make many gestures, using various facial expressions, using a bend of the body down to the knees and countless other gestures that cannot be enumerated, through which they obtained an inflow and communication with those who were above; they knew how to turn higher for power, to those with whom there were interacting things, besides [others arts].


1. Frederick I (b.1682, d.1771; reigned 1751ֱ771).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5799


I saw one known to me in the world - Frederic, 1at that time, King of Sweden. He drew to himself all whom he could and showed them favor, and this up to hundreds - all who were able to do for him what he desired, furnishing both gold and many other things which he possessed in the world and at heart preferred, especially procuring him women and any of the female sex whom he saw. The sorcerers who were with him knew how to make many gestures, by different expressions of the face, by the bowing of the body even down to the knees, and by numberless other devices which could not be detailed, by which means they procured themselves influx and communication with those who were above. They knew, also, how to direct themselves higher up to such ones as there was correspondence with.


1. This Frederic was husband of Queen Ulrica Eleanora, sister of the preceding King, Charles XII. It was Queen Ulrica Eleanora who ennobled Swedenborg and his brothers and brothers-in-law the year after she became Queen, and the year before that in which her husband was, by her request, admitted to the sovereignty conjointly with herself. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5799 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5799. Qualia sunt Magica et Phantastica

Vidi unum in orbe notum, Freder. Rex Sveriae tunc, ille sibi adscivit omnes quos accipere potuit et addixit, et hoc ad centenos, qui omnes potuerunt ei facere quod cupivit, tam comparandum aurum, quam plura alia quae in mundo habuit et corde praetulit, imprimis allicere mulieres et e sexu faeminino quas vidit; magi qui apud illum, sciverunt facere gesticulationes plures, per varias figurationes faciei, per corporis flexus usque ad genua, et per innumera alia, quae recenseri non possunt, per quae sibi comparabant influxum et communicationem cum illis qui supra erant, sciebant etiam se convertere superius ad tales, cum quibus correspondentiae, praeter [alia.]

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