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《灵界经历》 第58节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 58

58. From curiosity spirits want to know everything, so that they also inquisitively arouse all and the least things in a person's memory, and this process cannot be stopped. [Curiosity; Person on earth; Memory]

Spirits think that they are people on earth in every respect. [Person on earth; Spirit]

(In the margin.) Evil spirits do not want good people to be spoken well of; and they do not want good people around; and they are not aware of the presence of another spirit.

(In the margin.) Spirits take it very hard that they are controlled by a person on earth. [Spirit; Person on earth]

(In the margin.) Evil spirits do not want anything to be revealed about themselves. [Spirit]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 58


From curiosity spirits wish to know all things. Therefore, from this curiosity they excite each and all things which are in man's memory, to which there can be no resistance. (Curiositas, Homo, Memoria.)

[In the margin:] Evil spirits do not wish the good to be well spoken of, nor do they want the presence of the good. They are not aware of the presence of another spirit. Spirits are indignant that they are ruled by man. Evil spirits are unwilling that anything whatever be revealed concerning themselves. (Homo, Spiritus.)

Experientiae Spirituales 58 (original Latin 1748-1764)

58. Spiritus curiose omnia scire volunt, quare etiam 1

curiose excitant omnia et singula, quae in hominis memoria sunt, cui non resisti potest, n. 58. [Curiositas = Homo = Memoria]

Quod spiritus se putent prorsus homines esse, n. 58. [Homo = Spiritus]

Spiritus mali non volunt bene dici de bonis: nec praesentiam bonorum volunt: nec norunt praesentiam alius spiritus, n. 58 ad marg. Spiritus indigne ferunt, quod regantur ab homine, n. 58 in marg. [Spiritus]

Spiritus indigne ferunt, quod ab homine regantur, n. 58 ad marg. [Homo]

Spiritus mali non revelari quicquam de se volunt, n. 58 ad marg. [Spiritus]


1. The Manuscript has [ad Curtositas:] etjam

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