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《灵界经历》 第5804节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5804

5804. Faith alone is not possible

It was said by angels that faith alone is not possible. Spirits who held the principle [that salvation is by] faith alone were indignant and ran in all directions where good spirits and angelic spirits were and asked whether it was not possible. And they ran along to 10 or 15, and everywhere the answer was that it is not possible, they grasped this from a spiritual mental picture from heaven, and nowhere was it otherwise. Finally they resorted to this: faith is admittedly not possible apart from love, and so they want faith alone to be the means of salvation, and not love. Because they were like this, from the world, they were therefore left to themselves so that they could think about what the essential means of salvation is, whether it is love or faith, and whether it is faith alone.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5804


It was said by angels that faith alone is not possible. Spirits who were in the principle of faith alone were indignant, and rushed through every place where good spirits and angelic spirits were, and inquired whether it was not possible; and they rushed through as many as ten or fourteen such places; and it was everywhere answered that it was not possible. They perceived this from a spiritual idea out of heaven; and it was nowhere otherwise. At length, they took refuge in this, that, faith is not indeed possible without love; and thus they wished that faith alone should be the medium of salvation, and not love, because they were such from the world. They were, therefore, left to themselves, in order that they might reflect what is the essential medium of salvation, whether love or faith; also, whether this is faith alone.

Experientiae Spirituales 5804 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5804. Quod sola fides non sit dabilis

Dictum est ab angelis quod sola fides non sit dabilis, spiritus qui in principio de sola fide erant, indignati sunt, et percurrebant undequaque ubi boni spiritus ac spiritus angelici erant, et quaerebant annon dabilis esset, et percurrebant ad 10 vel 15, et ubique responsum est, quod non dabilis, hoc perceperunt ex idea spirituali ex coelo, et nullibi aliter. Tandem fugerunt ad id, quod quidem fides non dabilis sit absque amore, et sic quod velint quod sola fides sit medium salutis, et quod non amor, quia tales erant, ex mundo, ideo relicti sunt sibi, ut cogitarent, quid essentiale medium salutis, an amor vel fides, et num hoc sit sola fides.

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