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《灵界经历》 第5805节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5805

5805. How countless spirits gathered into one unit are brought into order, compared with chaos


I saw several thousand spirits assembled into one unit, so that they were in a large space. As far as the eye could reach, spirits were seen. They were from those who were cast down from the mountains and rocks into a plain. And then it was said to me that all are first assembled in this manner, and that then from the Lord it is assigned to them where each should betake themselves, and that they know this just as a person who has left his house and returns to his house. When this has been done and a place has been assigned to each person, they mutually take leave from each other, [and go] each to his own dwelling, and then they all are in order

5805. 1/2. and live in accord with the laws of order. This was compared to a chaos, where all things are similarly brought in and then all are brought into order; it was compared to the blood which is first collected in the heart and then distributed through its arteries to all the organs; and it is compared to the sinus of the liver, where all things are similarly brought in, and then through ducts into which they are carried, are brought into order. It happens similarly everywhere in the body; and it is like this similarly in thinking, which goes out directly from the will, but in the understanding it is brought into order and distributed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5805


I saw several thousands of spirits united in one; so that spirits were seen throughout a large space, as far as the eye could reach. They were of those who were cast down from the mountains and rocks into the plain; and it was said to me, at that time, that all are thus united at first, and that it is afterwards infused into them from the Lord, whither each one must betake himself; also, that he becomes acquainted with this, like one who goes from home and returns home. When this takes place, and that is inspired into everyone whatever, they separate from one another, everyone to his own abode; and they are then in order, and dwell according to the laws of order.

5805a. This was compared with chaos, because all things were similarly thrown in there, and afterwards all things were reduced into order; in which respect, it is comparable with the blood, which is first collected into the heart, and is thence distributed to all the viscera by means of their arteries: it is also comparable with the sinus of the liver, into which all things are similarly cast, and afterwards, through the ducts, into which they are carried, are reduced into order. The like happens everywhere in the body, and in like manner also in the thought, which comes forth immediately from the will: this is in such a state; but it is reduced into order in the understanding, and distributed.

Experientiae Spirituales 5805 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5805. Quomodo innumeri spiritus in unum collati, rediguntur in ordinem, comparatum cum chaos


Vidi aliquot millia spirituum in unum congregatorum, sic ut in multo spatio, quantum oculus pertigit, visi sint spiritus, erant ex illis qui dejecti erant ex montibus et petris in planitiem, et tunc dictum est mihi, quod omnes primum ita congregentur, et tunc quod ex Domino indatur illis quo quisque se conferat, et quod hoc sciat sicut quis qui e domo exit, et ad domum redit, cum hoc factum et id cuivis inditum, discedunt a se mutuo, quisque ad suam mansionem, et quod tunc in ordine

[5[805] 1/2. sint habitent secundum leges ordinis, hoc comparatum est chao, quod similiter ibi illata sint omnia dein omnia in ordinem redacta, comparatum est sanguini qui prius colligitur in cor inde omnia viscera per suas arterias distribuitur comparatum est sinui hepatis, ubi similiter omnia inferuntur per ductus dein in quos feruntur, in ordinem, rediguntur; similiter fit ubivis in corpore; similiter etiam in cogitatione, quod immediate provenit ex voluntate, hoc tale est, sed in intellectu redigitur in ordinem distribuitur.

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