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《灵界经历》 第5808节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5808

5808. The examination lasted for hours, and those from the Christian world were brought forward 1) who believed in Father, Son and Holy Spirit; 2) who acknowledged the Lord, but thought nothing about His Divine; 3) who held the belief that He was one with the Father, but in a different way. 4) In a word, certain [who believed] in one way, certain in another. Those who acknowledged the Human and rejected His Divine in the manner of Moravians struck my right arm up to the shoulder with pain; and those who did this in the manner of the Socinians broke apart the bones of my chest. In a word, Christians were examined as to what faith they held about the Lord and about His Divine and His conjunction with the Father. Some of them thought reasonably rationally, but they were few.

[Marginal note: All were felt by the inflow into the chest and by varying pressures.]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5808

5808. The exploration lasted for hours, and there were brought from the Christian world

(1) those who believed in Father, Son and Holy Spirit;

(2) those who acknowledged the Lord, but thought nothing about His Divine;

(3) those who were in the belief that He was one with the Father, but in a different manner;

(4) in a word, some [who believed] in one way, some in another. Those who acknowledged the Human and rejected His Divine, as, for example, the Moravians, inflicted pain in my right arm up to the shoulder; and the Socinians inflicted a bruising of the bones of the breast. In a word, Christians were examined as to what faith they were in about the Lord, and about His Divine, and His conjunction with the Father. Some of them thought comparatively sensibly, but only a few. They were all felt by an influx into the breast, and by various sensations of oppression.

Experientiae Spirituales 5808 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5808. Exploratio perstabat per horas, et adducti e Christiano orbe, 1

1) qui Patrem, Filium, et Spiritum sanctum crediderunt.

2) Qui Dominum agnoverunt, sed nihil cogitaverunt de Divino Ipsius.

3) Qui in fide fuerunt quod esset unus cum Patre, sed vario modo.

4) Verbo quidam aliter et aliter, qui Humanum agnoverunt, et rejecerunt Divinum Ipsius, ut Moraviani incusserunt brachio meo dextro ad scapulam, dolorem: ut Sociniani fractionem ossibus pectoris. Verbo explorati sunt Christiani qua fide essent de Domino, ac de ipsius Divino, ac conjunctione cum Patre: aliqui eorum satis sane cogitaverunt, sed pauci.


1. Sidebar: Sentiebantur omnes per influxum in pectus, et per gravedines varias.

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