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《灵界经历》 第5807节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5807

5807. About the separation of Christians and Gentiles, that 1the Lord goes out to the Gentiles 2

About the Lord's Divine

For some time, due to an inflow from the Christian world, I have suffered in my chest. They flowed in and there plagued my heart and lungs, certain the heart and certain the lungs, and at the same time my state of mind in various ways. This kept on for several weeks, perhaps months, and I was brought to an absolute low-point, with the result that because of my heart's and mind's poor health, I did not know where I should go. Finally it was brought to an end, and an inquiry was also made regarding from whom this had come. It was from Christians. [And it was found] that the plaguing of my heart and lungs gushed out from those on high who said that they believed in three Persons [of the Divine Essence]. These too were set apart according the nature of their belief, and everyone was given his own path so that they might go out of heaven and descend to their own places.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B"

2. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5807


For a long time, I have suffered pain in the breast, by reason of an influx out of the Christian world. They inflowed, and infested the heart and lungs there; some the heart and some the lungs, and then, at the same time, the mind, in various ways. This lasted for many weeks, perhaps months; and I was reduced to extremity, so that I did not know, on account of the suffering of the heart and the mind, which way to turn. At length, it was brought to an end and inquiry was also made from whom this was. It was from Christians; and [it was ascertained] that the infestations of the heart and lungs streamed out from those on high, who said that they believed in three Persons. Those, also, were separated according to their faith; and to all were given ways of their own, so that they might go forth out of heaven, and descend to their own places.

Experientiae Spirituales 5807 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5807. De 1

separatione Christianorum et Gentium, quod Dominus 1

se contulerit ad Gentes

De Divino Domini

Diu per influxum e Christiano orbe laboravi pectore, influebant et infestabant ibi cor et pulmones, quidam cor, et quidam pulmones, et simul tunc animum variis modis, hoc perstabat per plures septimanas, forte menses, et redactus sum ad extremum, ut nescirem ob aegritudinem cordis et animi quo me conferrem; tandem ad finem perductum, et quoque inquisitum a quibus hoc, fuit a Christianis, et quod infestationes cordis et pulmonum scaturirent ab illis in alto, qui dixerunt se credere in tres Personas; qui quoque secundum fidem suam separati sunt, et omnibus suae viae datae, ut exirent e coelo, et descenderent ad sua loca.


1. Sidebar: NB.

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