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《灵界经历》 第5815节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5815

5815. Most of them were examined as to what they were like, and it was found that they had no affection for truth and no desire to understand what is true, that all they wanted was that a certain one of them who was an authority, and whom they trusted understood things, had said so, so that truth for them was knowledge without any insight, consequently like sound without a mental image; and it was discovered that they believed that they were going to be saved as a result of their outward holiness, when yet they had nothing of an inward nature. These, because they were like this, were removed to a southern region toward the west, to the number of thousands, and there given a region beneath the earth. The reason it was beneath earth was because [being there,] they could not serve the infernal gang as a fulcrum, especially the hypocrites and those who in outward matters were able to act honestly when yet inwardly they were devils; the power of the infernal gang comes from this. Therefore they, those who do something from the heart, have been hidden beneath the earth, so that they can serve as lowermost parts of heaven.

[5815] 1/2.

[2] Those who had believed that salvation consisted in prayers and devotion alone, and had engaged diligently in these and also lived well, were gathered in one group and sent into a city that was in the southern region, where those were who had lived a Christian life. At first they believed they were going to receive heavenly joy, the nature of which they were ignorant. On this account, whatever they desired was given to them, both feasting and conversing, and being in magnificent places, and like things. But they said that this was not the heavenly joy to them that they had hoped for, and that they never had been able to find other delight than in their devotions and in their prayers. This was to them the highest joy. On this account it was granted them to be with the good in that city, to converse there and seek their happiness, whatever kind they desired; and if they did not get it, then they were granted to be in their devotion and as well then to be in association with others with whom too they found contentment.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5815

5815. The majority of them were examined as to what sort they were; and it was ascertained that they were not in any affection of truth, and that they did not want to perceive what was true, unless one who had authority, or concerning whom they had the confidence that he understood the matter, said it, so that, with them, truths were scientifics without any discernment, consequently, like soul without sense. It was also discovered that they believed they would be saved by reason of external holiness, although they had nothing at all of internal. These, because they were of such a character, were removed into the southern quarter towards the western, to the number of myriads, and a region was allotted to them there, but under the earth. The reason it was under the earth, was, because they had been able to serve as a fulcrum to the infernal crew, especially to hypocrites, and to those who were able to seem Christians in externals, when yet they were inwardly devils. Hence have the infernal crew their power. For this reason, they were concealed under the earth, so that those of them who do anything from the heart, might serve for the ultimates of heaven. Those who believed that salvation consisted in prayers and in devoutness alone, and have been diligent in these thing, and have also lived well, were collected into one and dispatched into a city which is at the southern quarter, where those are who have lived a Christian life. At first, they believed they would receive heavenly joy - the nature of which they did not know; wherefore, whatever they desired was given them, both feasting, and society, and dwelling in magnificent abodes, and the like; but they said that that was not the heavenly joy to them which they had hoped for; but they were never able to find any other joy than being at their devotion and at their prayers. To them this was their joy. It was, therefore, permitted them to dwell with the good in that city, to there enjoy social interaction, and to seek their joy of whatsoever sort they desired; and if they did not obtain it, they might then be in their devotion, and at the same time in company with others: with these things, also, they were content.

Experientiae Spirituales 5815 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5815. Explorati sunt quales plerique sunt, et comperti quod non in aliqua affectione veri, et quod non voluerint percipere quid verum, solum quod quidam eorum cui auctoritas seu de quo fides quod intellexerit, dixerat, sic ut vera apud eos fuerint scientifica absque omni intuitione, proinde sicut soni absque idea; et quod se ex sancto externo crediderint salvari, cum tamen prorsus nihil internum habuerint; hi quia tales, remoti sunt ad myriades in plagam meridionalem versus occidentalem, et ibi data illis regio sed sub terra, quod sub terra, erat causa quia [sic] inservire non potuerant turbae infernali pro fulcro, praecipue hypocritis, et illis qui potuerunt in externis agere sincerum cum tamen intus diaboli essent, inde infernali turbae valor, ideo sub terra reconditi sunt, ut inservire possent pro ultimis coeli, qui eorum aliquid ex corde faciunt.

[5[815] 1/2. Qui crediderunt quod consisteret salus in precibus devotione sola in his seduli fuerunt quoque bene vixerunt, illi in unum collecti sunt transmissi in urbem, quae est a plaga meridionali, ubi illi qui Christianam vitam vixerunt: primum crediderunt quod gaudium coeleste acceptaturi, quale non noverunt, quapropter datum est illis quicquid optaverunt, tam epulari, quam conversari, quam interesse magnificis similia, sed dixerunt quod hoc illis non esset gaudium coeleste quod speraverant nusquam potuerint invenire aliud gaudium quam in devotione sua precibus suis esse, hoc erat illis summum gaudium, quare datum est illis interesse bonis in illa urbe, conversari ibi quaerere suum gaudium qualecunque vellent si non obtinerent, ut tunc in sua devotione esse simul in consociatione cum aliis, quibus etiam contenti erant.

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