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《灵界经历》 第5814节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5814

5814. About those who have an outward holiness, the last judgment

There were many in the northern quarter that had had an outward holiness when in the world, but no affection for truth. They frequented churches, devoutly listened to sermons, frequented the sacrament of the [holy] supper, and read the Word and stirring books, but yet had no affection for truth, scarcely desiring to hear about spiritual truth except for only the rudiments of theology. They were examined in regard to what they had thought about the Lord, and it was learned that they had never thought about the Divine Itself, but only about [His] Human [aspect], as for instance, that He was simply a person like another person, and that His Divinity consisted in being loved by the Father.

[2] They operated into the lower ribs of the left side and inflicted pain. Many thousands were thrown down from that mountain, and they were told they could serve as the lowest elements in the Kingdom of the Lord, which correspond to the shoes on the feet. A shoe that touched their faces even appeared. They were so simple that they had no value at all.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5814


In a mountain in the northern quarter, were many who, in the world, had been in external holiness and not in any affection of truth. They frequented places of worship, devoutly listened to preachings, attended the sacrament of the Supper, read the Word and emotional books, but yet were not in any affection of truth, being scarcely willing to hear about spiritual truth beyond merely the first rudiments of theology. Investigation was made as to what they thought of the Lord and it was ascertained that they had never thought of His Divinity, but only of the Human, just as if He were only a man like another, and that His Divinity consisted in the fact that He was loved by the Father. They operated into the lower ribs of the left side, and inflicted pain. They were cast down from that mountain, to the number of many thousands; and it was told them that they might serve for the ultimates in the Lord's Kingdom, which correspond to the heels of the feet. A heel, also, appeared, which touched their faces. They were so foolish that they were worthless.

Experientiae Spirituales 5814 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5814. De illis qui in sancto externo, ultimum judicium

Fuerunt multi in monte in septentrionali plaga, qui in mundo fuerant in sancto externo, et in nulla affectione veri, frequentarunt templa, devote auscultarunt praedicationes, frequentarunt sacramenta coenae, legerunt Verbum et libros patheticos, sed usque in nulla affectione veri, vix volentes audire de vero spirituali, praeter solum prima rudimenta theologica; explorati quid cogitaverunt de Domino, et compertum quod nusquam de Divino Ipsius cogitaverint, sed solum de Humano, sicut esset modo homo sicut alius, et quod Divinum Ipsius consisteret in eo quod amaretur a Patre; operabantur in inferiores costas sinistri lateris, et infligebant dolorem; illi dejecti e monte illo ad plura millia, et dictum illis quod inservire possent pro ultimis in Regno Domini, quae correspondent calceis pedum, calceus etiam apparebat qui tetigit facies eorum; erant tam simplices ut nihil pretii.

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