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《灵界经历》 第5833节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5833

5833. About the Pope and Sextus V

I spoke with the recently deceased pope. 1He was in the west toward the north where there is generally a council. He was informed in detail about Babylon, what they are like and how terribly wicked they are. He was utterly amazed that so many of even the lowest monks make themselves Christ, and with such conviction, since he supposed that he himself alone [was Christ]. He spoke about Sextus V, what he had done in the world in five years. He wanted to see him. Therefore he was summoned from the hell where he was, which was not far from there, a little to the rear toward the north. Dressed, he came in to him. He [the recent pope] recognized him from his picture in the world. But Sextus V scarcely spoke. He wanted to get away from there and was let down to his hell where he is sometimes put on display in order to hold the wicked crowd from the Babylonian people in bonds; and it is said that if he does not observe the prescribed laws he is punished.


1. Pope Benedict XIV.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5833


I spoke with the Pope who was recently dead. 1He was in the west towards the north, where there is ordinarily a council. He was instructed in detail about Babylon, what and how impious they are. He was exceedingly astonished, that so many even of the inferior monks made themselves Christ, and with so great a persuasion, - supposing that himself only [was that]. He spoke about Sixtus V., saying that he had been [Pope] in the world for five years. 2He wished to see him: wherefore he was summoned from the hell where he was, which was not far off slightly backwards towards the north. Having prepared himself, he [i.e. Sixtus] appeared before him; and he recognized him from his portrait in the world. But Sixtus V. scarcely spoke. He earnestly desired to get away, and was borne down to his own hell, where, sometimes, he is set over those who are there, in order that he may hold the impious crews of the Babylonish race, in check; and it was said, that, if he does not observe the prescribed laws, he is punished.


1. Benedict XIV. See heading to no. 5843, below. -TR.

2. Sixtus V. died 1590, after a Pontificate lasting for five years. -TR

Experientiae Spirituales 5833 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5833. De Pontifice et Sixto Quinto

Loquutus sum [cum] pontifice qui nuper defunctus, erat in occidente versus septentrionem, ubi synedrium fere, is instruebatur in singulis de Babylonia, quales sunt, et quam nefandi, miratus maxime quod tam multi etiam ex inferioribus monachis se facerent Christum, et tanta persuasione, putans quod ipse solus; loquutus de Sixto Quinto, quid is intra quinquennium in mundo fecerat, volebat illum videre, quare accitus ex inferno ubi erat, quod non procul inde paulo retro versus septentrionem, qui praeparatus intravit ad illum, et eum agnovit ex pictura ejus in mundo, sed Sixtus Quintus vix loquutus cupivit inde, et delatus ad infernum suum, ubi quandoque illis qui ibi praefertur, ut nefarias turbas ex Babylonica gente in vinculis teneat, et dictum si is non observat leges praescriptas, quod puniatur.

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