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《灵界经历》 第5841节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5841

5841. About the last Pope 1, he acknowledged the Divine in the Word

I spoke with the last Pope 3 months after his death. I spoke for several days. It was shown by many things that in the Word and in the Word's details there is a spiritual sense, and thus it is most holy. When he listened and gave attention to the details, he then confessed that the Word is Divine and that he had not known this in the world because he had then only examined it in regard to its literal sense, in which he did not see anything Divine and therefore had believed that the things said by the pope in consistory are equally Divine, and therefore the Bulla Unigenitus 2is likewise. He now confesses that the Word is the Divine Itself and that a pronouncement in Consistory ought never to bring forth anything that does not agree with the Word. 1758, 21ֲ5 May.


1. Benedict XIV. See heading to no. 5843, below. This Pope died May 3rd 1758. He ascended the Papal throne in 1740, in succession to Clement XII.

2. Bull Unigenitus was fulminated by Clement XI in 1713.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5841


I spoke with the last Pope, three weeks after death. 1I spoke with him for several days, and showed him, by many evidences, that, in the Word, and in the smallest details of the Word, there was a spiritual sense, and that it is thus most holy. When he had attentively listened to each of the things advanced, he confessed that the Word is Divine, and that he did not know this in the world, because, then, he had only investigated it according to the sense of the letter, in which he did not see anything Divine, and that he, therefore, then believed that those things which the Pope pronounces in Consistory are equally Divine, and that, consequently, the Bull Unigenitus 2was so. He now confessed that the Word is the Divine Itself, and that a declaration in Consistory ought never to produce anything which does not agree with the Word. 1758, May 21 to 25.


1. Benedict XIV. See heading to no. 5843, below. This Pope died May 3rd 1758. He ascended the Papal throne in 1740, in succession to Clement XII.

2. The Bull Unigenitus was fulminated by Clement XI., in 1713. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5841 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5841. De Pontifice ultimo quod agnoverit Divinum in Verbo

Loquutus cum Pontifice ultimo post 3 septimanas post obitum, loquutus per aliquot dies, et ostensum per plura, quod in Verbo et in singulis Verbi esset sensus spiritualis, et sic sanctissimum, cum singula attente audivit, tunc confessus est, quod Verbum sit Divinum, et quod hoc non sciverit in mundo, quia tunc modo exploraverat id secundum sensum literae, in quo non aliquid Divinum vidit, et quod ideo crediderit quod illa quae Pontifex in consistorio dictat, aeque Divinum sint, et quod inde Bulla Unigenitus, fassus nunc quod Verbum sit Ipsum Divinum, et quod dictamen in Consistorio nusquam debeat aliquid producere quod non concordat cum Verbo. 1758, 21 ad 25 Maj.

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