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《灵界经历》 第5842节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5842

5842. About the Holy Supper

I have spoken with Christians and also with those of the Babylonian nation about the holy supper, that they believe in the material presence of the body and blood of Christ, and it was said that those who go to the holy supper do not think about this presence but only about its holiness. They asked whether anyone thought otherwise when they went the holy supper, and it was ascertained that scarcely anyone did, and it was said [to them] that this is the Lord's doing lest they have such a thought, and that from this it can be known that only holiness from heaven flows in, according to correspondence. Similarly the Lutherans, who have the doctrine that the body and blood of Christ are in, with, and under the bread and wine, never think about this but only about holiness when they go to [the holy supper].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5842


I spoke with Christians, and also with those of the Babylonish communion, about the Holy Supper, and remarked that they believe in the material presence of the Body and Blood of Christ; and it was said that those who go to the Holy Supper, do not think of that presence, but only of the holiness of it [i.e. of the Supper]. They inquired whether anyone thought otherwise when he went to the Holy Supper; and it was ascertained that scarcely anyone did. It was also said that this is from the Lord, lest they should be in such an idea; likewise, that from this it may be known that nothing but holiness inflows out of heaven, according to the correspondence. It was also stated that the Lutherans, with whom the doctrine is that they [i.e., the Body and Blood of Christ] are in, with and under [the Bread and Wine], 1never think about this when they partake, but only about the holiness.


1. This is the doctrine of Consubstantiation, invented by Luther, and upheld by Lutherans, even to this day. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5842 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5842. De Sancta Coena

Loquutus cum Christianis et quoque cum illis ex Babylonica gente, de sancta coena quod credant praesentiam materialem corporis et sanguinis Christi, et dictum quod illi qui obeunt sanctam coenam non cogitent de ea praesentia, sed solum de sancto ejus, inquisiverunt num aliquis cogitaverit aliter cum obivit sanctam coenam, et compertum quod vix aliquis, et dictum, quod id sit a Domino, ne tali idea sint, et quod inde sciri possit, quod modo sanctum e coelo influat, secundum correspondentiam: similiter Lutherani, quibus doctrina est, quod sint in, cum, et sub, quod nusquam de eo cogitent, sed solum de sancto, dum obeunt.

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