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《灵界经历》 第5844节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5844

5844. He was examined as to what his nature had been in the world, to the point of a personal confession: 1) That he had made the Word meaningless, and when he had read it, had mocked many things there as if it were not in the least Divine; many passages had also been recited by him, in regard to which he had spoken mockingly, saying simply that it was written in this way according to the style of the time, in a word that nothing of the Divine was found there; 2) That in consistory he speaks [sic] more from the Divine than was spoken in the Word, so that he had raised his statements in consistory above the Word; 3) That he had therefore given support to the bull Unigenitus and persuaded that it be accepted, which he had done in many ways, some of which he had produced and gone further than previously. 4) That therefore he had loved and esteemed the Jesuits more than the rest, about which topic some things were also said about how [he had done this]; when it was said to him that a large part of them were devils, and it was also shown by many being brought to him so that he could see what their nature was, he still loved them as before. 5) He also said what he thought about the saints, that they had more power than the Lord because they are inspired by God the Father in what they do; however, that Lord had renounced all power and given it to the popes, and that nonetheless the Lord must be worshiped despite His having no power.

In this way what his nature had been was learned, and thus that heaven has been entirely closed to him, and that he acted as one with hell, for those who reduce the Word to nothing put a papal dictate above the Word and deny the Lord all power. Heaven has been entirely closed to him and hell opened.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5844

5844. Inquiry was made as to what he had been in the world, even according to his own confession:

(1) that he esteemed the Word as of no account, and, when he read it, ridiculed many things in it, as not at all Divine. Many passages also were recited by him, in regard to which he spoke with derision, saying, that it was only so written according to the style of the time: in a word, that nothing of Divinity is to be found in it;

(2) that he, in Consistory, speaks more from the Divine than is spoken in the Word; so that he extolled his own utterances in Consistory above the Word;

(3) that, for this reason, he confirmed the Bull Unigenitus, and persuaded people to accept - in which he had done in many ways, of which he instanced some, and had gone farther than [it went] before;

(4) that, for this reason, he loved and honored Jesuits more than others; of which matter, also, some things were said [as to] how [he did so]. When he was told that a large part of them were devils, and was likewise shown this by many being gathered together to him, so that he might see them as they were, yet, he still loved them as before;

(5) he also said, that, as regards the Saints, he thought that they had more power than the Lord, because they are inspired by God the Father in what they do, but that the Lord abdicated all power and conferred it on the Popes; also, that, although without power, He still ought to be worshipped.

Thus was ascertained of what quality he had been, and therefore that heaven was entirely closed to him, and that he acted in union with hell; for, to him who destroys the Word, places a Papal decree above the Word and denies all power to the Lord, heaven is fast closed, and hell is open.

Experientiae Spirituales 5844 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5844. Exploratus est qualis fuerat in mundo, usque ad propriam confessionem.

1) Quod Verbum nihil fecerit, et cum legerit id subsannaverit plura ibi, sicut prorsus non Divina, plura loca etiam recitata sunt ab illo, ad quae cum subsannatione loquutus est, dicens solum quod ita scriptum secundum stylum tunc, verbo quod nihil Divini ibi compertus sit.

2) Quod ille in consistorio plus ex Divino loquatur, quam loquutum est in Verbo, sic quod effata sua in consistorio supra Verbum extulerit.

3) Quod ideo bullam Unigeniti 100 confirmaverit et persuaserit ut reciperetur, quod fecerat multis modis, de quibus aliqua produxit, et ulterius iverat quam prius.

4) Quod ideo Jesuitas prae reliquis amaverit et honoraverit, de qua re etiam aliqua dicta sunt, quomodo; cum ei dictum est quod multa pars illorum essent diaboli, et quoque id ostensum est per quod congregarentur plures ad illum, ut videret illos quales erant, usque illos amavit ut prius.

5) Dixit etiam quod de sanctis cogitaverit quod illi plus potestatis haberent quam Dominus, quia illi a Deo patre inspirantur quid faciunt, at quod Dominus omnem potestatem abdicaverit et dederit pontificibus, et quod usque colendus sit, tametsi absque potestate. Ita compertum est qualis fuerat, et sic quod ei coelum prorsus clausum fuerit, et cum inferno unum egerit, nam qui Verbum annihilat, papale dictamen super Verbum ponit, et omnem potestatem Domino denegat, illi coelum prorsus clausum est, et infernum apertum.

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