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《灵界经历》 第5843节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5843

5843. About the last Pope

Benedict XIV

3. days after his death it was granted to speak with the Pope, and for 4 days, about many things in the spiritual world, especially about the Lord, that He is the God of heaven, and that He has not given any power to a particular person because the Divine Alone has power. He was also taught about the remission of sins, about heaven and hell, about a person, that it befalls him depending on how he lived in the world - and very many similar things, and at the time he seemed to understand all these things and also virtually believe, because he spoke this way. On this account a certain hope was cherished for him because in the world he had been a worshiper of the Lord and had an affection for truth, and so had been able to be of use in behalf of the people of that religion. But he was such that he spoke in accord with a different affection and rather cunning civility. When it was believed that he had taken instruction, he was then left to his own love and consequently his own principles, and when he was left in this way, he acted as one with the most astute of his religion, approving and inciting in order to destroy those who were from the reformed religion. But he did this clandestinely, and because he was tied in with the most malicious and had endeavored to totally destroy those who had attributed all power to the Lord and had done this in various ways, he was told to stop because he is now in a world where there is no special regard for personages, but those who are evil are punished. Nevertheless he persisted, believing that no one could do anything to him. However, when he persisted, he was punished just like the rest, and in fact severely, in a cavern where there was a severe punisher; and because he still kept on like this, he was hurled toward the west.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5843


After three weeks from death, it was permitted me to speak with the Pope, and at that time for four days, about many things in the spiritual world, especially about the Lord, that He is the God of heaven, and has not given any power to any man, because power belongs solely to the Divine. He was also instructed about the remission of sins, about heaven and hell, about man - that it falls out to him according to the life in the world, and very many similar matters; and, at the time, he seemed to understand them all, and also as it were to believe them; for he so spoke. For this reason, some cherished the hope, respecting him, that in the world he may have been a worshipper of the Lord and in the affection of truth, and thus that he might have been able to be of use with the people of that religion. But he was of such disposition, that he spoke in accordance with the affection of another, and very politely and adroitly. When it was supposed that he accepted the instruction, he was left to his own love and its derivative principles; and, when he was so left, he acted in unison with the most crafty of his religion, countenancing and instigating the destruction of those who were of the Reformed religion, but clandestinely. And, inasmuch as he was allied with the most wicked, he also endeavored, and this in many different ways, to totally destroy those who ascribed all power to the Lord; and he was told to desist, because he is now in a world where there is no respect of persons, but whoever does evil is punished. Still, however, he persisted, believing that nobody can do anything to him. But, when he persisted, he was punished like the rest and indeed grievously, in a cavern where was a rigorous punisher; and, because he still continued such, he was cast towards the west.

Experientiae Spirituales 5843 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5843. De Pontifice ultimo

Benedictus XIV

Post 3 septimanas post mortem datum est loqui cum Pontifice, et tunc per 4 dies de multis in mundo spirituali, imprimis de Domino, quod sit Deus coeli, et non aliquam potestatem dederit cuidam homini, quia est potestas Solius Divini, etiam instructus est de remissione peccatorum, de coelo et inferno, de homine quod secundum vitam in mundo fiat illi, et perplura similia, et tunc videbatur omnia illa intelligere, et quoque quasi credere, ita enim loquebatur, quare quidam spem de eo foverunt, quod fuerit Domini cultor in mundo, et in affectione veri; et sic quod potuisset usui esse apud gentem illius religionis; sed erat talis ut secundum affectionem alterius loqueretur, et satis civiliter et astute; cum credebatur quod reciperet instructionem, tunc relictus est suo amori, et inde principiis, et cum relictus ita erat, tunc unum egit cum astutissimis ex sua religione, approbando ac instigando, ut perderent illos qui ex religione reformata essent, sed hoc clandestine; et quia alligatus malitiosissimis, et conatus prorsus perdere illos qui Domino omnem potestatem dederunt, et hoc variis modis, dictum ei quod desisteret, quia in mundo nunc est, ubi non habetur respectus personarum, sed qui male facit punitur, sed usque perstitit, credens quod nemo ei possit aliquid facere, sed cum perstitit, punitus est sicut reliqui, et quidem graviter in caverna ubi gravis punitor, et quia usque talis perstitit, conjectus est versus occidentem.

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