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《灵界经历》 第5846节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5846

5846. This last pope, who has been described, associated himself with the worst of his religion, they were sorcerers, and he also sent out three of the worst sorcerers: one to destroy a spirit who was in favor of the Lord, two to the reformed to seduce them. He also wanted to learn their magical arts himself. He sent other very wicked sorcerers as well to do evil. And when he was found to be of such a nature, he was then brought back to his inner elements, so into fantasies, for the inner elements of spirits like this are fantasies for they think nothing about God, but only about themselves and about the worship of themselves and about cunning trickery. Then his nature was seen yet more clearly, namely: that at first he had held the Word in esteem but later considered it totally worthless and made his dictates divine; that he believed himself to be wiser than all others because he was more cunning, which also was shown; that he was able to enter into the inward affections of others and see them; and that he worshipped the saints more than the Lord and made them deities; that he loved those who were maliciously cunning and therefore loved the Jesuits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5846

5846. That last Pope, who has been described, associated himself with the worst of his religion, who were sorcerers, and he likewise, three times, sent forth the worst sorcerers of them: one, to destroy a spirit who was in favor of the Lord; two, to the Reformed, to seduce them; and, likewise, he himself wished to learn more about magical arts. He also sent forth other exceedingly bad sorcerers, to work evil; and, when he was discovered to be such, he was reduced to his interiors, consequently, into phantasies; for the interiors of such ones are phantasies, since they think nothing about God, but about themselves alone, and about the worship of themselves and about intrigues. It was then still more clearly seen what he had been, namely, that he at first reverenced the Word, but afterwards despised it utterly, and accounted his own decrees Divine; that he believed himself to be wiser than all others, because he was more crafty, as also was shown; that he was able to enter into the interior affections of others and to see them; also, that he reverenced the Saints more than the Lord and made them deities, and that he dearly loved the maliciously cunning, and, for that reason, the Jesuits.

Experientiae Spirituales 5846 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5846. Ultimus ille papa, qui descriptus associavit se cum pessimis suae religionis, qui magi erant, et quoque ex illis ter emisit pessimos magos, unum ad perdendum qui pro Domino erat, duos ad reformatos ut seduceret illos; et quoque ipse voluit addiscere artes magicas, emisit etiam alios magos pessimos ad malefaciendum: et cum talis inventus est, tunc reductus est ad interiora sua, ita in phantasias, nam talium interiora sunt phantasiae, nam nihil cogitant de Deo, sed de se solo, et de sui cultu, et de astutiis, tunc adhuc clarius visus qualis fuerat, quod nempe Verbum primum aestimaverit, sed postea plane vilipenderit, et sua dictamina divina fecerit, quod crediderit se omnibus aliis sapientiorem esse, quia astutior, quod etiam ostensum, quod intrare posset in aliorum interiores affectiones, et videre illas, tum quod sanctos coluerit prae Domino, et illos numina fecerit: quod adamaverit malitiose astutos, et ideo Jesuitas.

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