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《灵界经历》 第5847节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5847

5847. After this he was brought down to the western sea on the side looking toward the south, and all the way to its edge, where he stopped and said that he wanted to be there because the most cunning were there. But in spite of this he was brought into the part west from there in the direction of those who were in the remotest mountains. They were Neapolitans and the worst of Italy. When he was there he said also that he wanted to be there because they were the most cunning of all, saying that he was more cunning. There he found a certain saint who was a most highly accomplished sorcerer. He was then brought out of hell to speak with him. This saint, who was a highly accomplished sorcerer, said that he himself was the pope. When he had spoken with him and he wanted to have a contest to ascertain who was the most cunning, it was found that he was equally cunning. After this he was brought down further, on into the north a little, and brought back through various windings like this 1where the worst hells of the Babylonish nation are, because he loved such things, and also so that he might acquire and become steeped in them, thus so that he could fill himself with hells that were in harmony with his inner nature. So he was led back to the furthest boundary, that is to say, to the end of the western sea and there spontaneously plunged in. By so doing he came among the worst of those in the western sea.


1. Hand drawing of a squiggly line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5847

5847. Afterwards, he was led down towards the western sea, 1at the part facing the south, and as far as to its extremity, where he stopped and said that he wished to be in that place, because the most crafty were there; but, still, he was brought down from thence into the west, and from there towards those who were in the remotest mountains, 2who were the Neapolitans and the worst ones of Italy. When he was there, he also said that he wished to be there because they are the most crafty of all, asserting that he was more cunning than they. There he discovered a certain saint, who was a most powerful sorcerer, and who was then brought out from hell in order that he might speak with him. That saint, who was the powerful sorcerer, declared himself to be a Pope. He spoke with the other, and wanted to determine, by competition, which was the more cunning and it was ascertained that this one was equally cunning. He was afterwards brought farther down, as far as somewhat into the north, and was brought back, for a long while, through various zigzag ways - thus, 3- to a part where were the worst hells of the Babylonish people; for the reason that he loved such things, and also in order to attract and imbibe [them], thus, that he might apply himself to hells suited to his interiors. Thus he was brought back to the remotest boundary, or to the extremity, of the western sea, 1and there, of his own accord, plunged himself down amongst the worst of those who were in the western sea. 1


1. See, for further information about this "Western Sea," nos. 5296, 5300, 5303, 5638; also Fig. 5 (K), Vol. IV., pp. 372-3. -TR

2. See, in reference to these "mountains" and those who dwell on them, nos. 5648, 5652, of the present work (Vol. IV.). -TR.

3. Text has a zig zag line drawn in it.

Experientiae Spirituales 5847 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5847. Postea deductus ad mare occidentale a parte spectante meridiem, et usque ad finem ejus, ubi substitit, et dixit quod ibi esse vellet, quia ibi astutissimi; sed usque inde deductus est in occidentem abinde versus illos qui in ultimis montibus, qui Neapolitani et pessimi Italiae, cum ibi erat, dixit etiam [quod] ibi vellet esse, quia astutissimi omnium, dicens quod ille astutior, ibi invenit quendam sanctum, qui maxime magus erat, tunc ex inferno eductus ut cum illo loqueretur, ille sanctus qui maxime magus se dicebat esse pontificem, cum illo loquutus est, et voluit certare quis astutior esset, et compertum quod is aeque astutus esset; postea ulterius deductus usque in septentrionem paulum, et dein reductus per varias ambages ita................... 1

ubi pessima inferna ex Babylonica gente, ex causa quia amavit talis, ut quoque attraheret et imbueret, sic ut repleret se infernis convenientibus suis interioribus, ita reductus ad terminum ultimum seu finem maris occidentalis, et ibi sponte se demersit, ita inter pessimos ex illis qui in mari occidentali.


1. Diagram

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